2024 Kingaroy Highlights #20
Principal's Message
Hello everyone, David Thomson here for the final Kingaroy Highlights for 2024.
I just want to point out that next year, we’ve got quite a lot happening at the school. The first and most noticeable change is our canteen upgrade. In Term 1, we’ll be operating a temporary canteen in the Sports Hall, and by the end of the term, we’ll have a brand-new canteen, including a coffee shop facility. It’s going to be a fantastic addition for our students here at Kingaroy High School.
This year has been absolutely fabulous! Highlights include our Hydrogen-Powered Vehicle Team travelling to America, a significant rise in students achieving As, Bs, and Cs on their report cards, and incredible improvements in behaviour. Fifty percent of students received an A for behaviour in classrooms, and 95% received an A, B, or C for behaviour throughout 2024.
We've also seen amazing artistic achievements with CGEN, art gallery displays, and our instrumental music program continuing to grow. In sports, we’ve had incredible successes in touch football, rugby league, netball, mountain biking, basketball, volleyball, and more!
Facility upgrades have also been a major focus this year, with improvements to our Ag Block area, the Assembly Hall, and the iLibrary. Next year, we’ll see further enhancements, including staffrooms and additional student spaces being upgraded.
Thank you all for your support throughout 2024. It’s been a fabulous year, and we wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. Please keep an eye out for an email from me about some changes for next year, particularly regarding the timetable and new opportunities for our students.
We look forward to seeing everyone back for a great year of learning in 2025!
Senior Schooling
As we approach the end of 2024, I’d like to wish you all the very best for the holiday season. We've been working hard and planning for the exciting developments in the Senior Schooling space for 2025.
Year 11
Term 1 will be packed with exciting experiences for Year 12 students, including their final swimming carnival, Investiture Ceremony, Wide Bay trials, and more. Additionally, the Leadership Camp, Clontarf Academy Camp, and various curriculum-related excursions and camps are scheduled early in the term. To ensure a smooth start, it's a good idea to begin preparing for the associated costs now. To check the timing of these excursions, visit our Events Calendar on the school website.
I’ve attached a letter that was emailed earlier outlining the expectations for Year 12 in 2025 for your reference.
Year 12
Year 12 students will receive their final subject results from 9:00 am on December 11 via the myQCE website: myQCE.
Frequently asked questions about results can be found here: Results FAQs.
ATAR-eligible students will have their results released by QTAC at 9:00 am on Friday, December 13. For more details, visit: QTAC Year 12 ATAR.
Enjoy your holidays, take time to do what brings you joy, and recharge for the year ahead. We look forward to welcoming you back for an exciting 2025 school year.
Mr Andrew Maddern
A/Deputy Principal - Educational Achievement, Senior Secondary
Wellbeing and Engagement
2024 has been a fantastic year for our Year 9 and 10 students, with notable improvements in both behaviour and attendance.
In Year 9, Ms Potter and Miss Stumm excelled as Year Level Coordinators, consistently going above and beyond expectations. Their dedication, along with the unwavering support of our brilliant Engagement Heads of Department, Ms Radunz and Ms Woodard, made my role much easier through their tireless efforts.
Year 10 students were equally well-supported by their outstanding Year Level Coordinators, Mrs Reddacliff and Mr Stevens. A special thank you to the Engagement HODs, Mrs Walker and Ms Krosch, whose expertise and commitment were invaluable in supporting your children.
Both the Year 9 KJCE and Year 10 KCE ceremonies were successful highlights of the year. Year 10 students also enjoyed a very wet but fun-filled trip to Dreamworld for their end-of-year celebration. Today, Year 9 students are off to Bli Bli for their end-of-year trip, and I’m hopeful it will be just as successful and memorable.
Finally, I’d like to thank this fantastic group of students for their hard work and positive attitudes throughout the year. I wish them and their families a happy, safe, and joyful Christmas.
Mr Steve Perrett
Deputy Principal - Wellbeing and Engagement
Wellbeing & Engagement Activities Week
Our Year 7, 8 and 9 classes were able to participate in a revamped “Activities Week” this week, allowing them to choose from 164 activities across 15 sessions over 5 days. In each session, a variety of physical, mental, cultural and self-care activities were offered by staff, resulting in some great moments, and huge enthusiasm from students.
Sports were popular, played both indoors and outdoors, and despite the impact of our humid, hot weather; volleyball, touch, soccer, netball, badminton, basketball, swimming, rounders, cricket, ultimate disc, and excursions onto the Rail Trail for bicycling and walking/running activities. There were also huge numbers signing up for art, craft, singing, dancing, personal care courses, robotics and drones, trivia, board games, card games, chess, puzzles, and Christmas-related versions of these.
A huge shout out to the students who showed up with a great attitude, and to our staff for tapping into their own personal knowledge and skill sets to provide these opportunities for our students. It has been a wonderful week in so many different ways.
Mrs Krysty Connelly & Ms Nerissa Maudsley
Activities Week Coordinators
2025 Booklists and One-to-One Devices
Booklists for next year have been updated and are available on our website: Kingaroy SHS Booklists.
Student timetables will be released in early January and can be accessed through QParents. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to create a QParents account before school finishes on December 13. Our office staff are more than happy to assist you with this process.
All students will receive a printed copy of their timetable on the first day of school. If you’re unsure of your student’s subjects, bringing a few exercise books and basic stationery will be sufficient for the first day.
For families participating in the One-to-One Device Program for 2025, a $100 deposit allows you to collect the laptop next week. Take it home for the holidays and start Term 1 fully prepared!
Celebrating Student Success in 2024!
This year, we’ve been thrilled to recognise our students’ incredible efforts and achievements through a variety of positive initiatives. These have included postcards sent home, positive phone calls and emails, Weekly Triple R Awards, and the ever-popular Kingaroy Merit Points (KMPs).
We’re proud that over 70% of our students have earned a KMP reward this year, with standout performances from Year 7, Year 11, and Year 12 students. Here’s the breakdown by year level:
- Year 7: 80%
- Year 8: 72%
- Year 9: 76%
- Year 10: 72%
- Year 11: 80%
- Year 12: 83%
KMP rewards have included Tuckshop vouchers, $5 discounts on senior shirts or formal tickets, and more recently, access to a Pool Party. These rewards highlight the fantastic choices our students make every day in living out the 3 R’s: Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience.
We couldn’t be prouder of the commitment and positivity our students have shown this year. Keep up the amazing work!
Ms Chelsea Woodard
A/HOD Year 9 Student Engagement & Teaching and Learning
Link and Launch
Well, we have (nearly) made it! The Year 12s have been officially finished for a few weeks now and the rest of the school is quickly winding down as well. However, this time of year is when Link and Launch often ramps up! So, if you know of a recent graduate who is sitting around at home, not really sure what they want to do or what they ‘should’ be doing, please get them to reach out. Link and Launch is a free, individualised service to help Year 12s transition into the next phase of life. I have been contacted by a few local employers who are currently looking for casual or full-time workers so if this is what your young person is looking for, encourage them to get in touch with me (0460 010 431) for more information.
Additionally, the Link and Launch program is designed to help young people decide what further study, training or employment might be best for them and to assist them in pursuing their chosen pathway. So, if they are looking at TAFE, university, an apprenticeship or job, I can assist them to navigate the systems and consider a range of post-school study, training and work options in line with their individual goals, aspirations, skills and strengths. Link and Launch aims to support young people to make independent choices that will equip them to make a successful transition. You can find more information about Link and Launch, including previous participants’ testimonies online here: https://education.qld.gov.au/students/student-engagement/link-and-launch Or feel free to contact me (Renee Feather) directly on 0460 010 431 or rfeat6@eq.edu.au for further information.
Renee Feather
Link and Launch Coordinator
Health News
Looking for help over the holidays ………………….
Many people struggle over the holidays for many different reasons from financial burden to social pressures. These can all impact our health and wellbeing. But there are also many organisations that are available to assist with providing counselling services either online or over the phone. Below is a list of some of these counselling services that are available free of charge that you can make use of if needed.
Headspace |
1800 RESPECT |
Butterfly Foundation Web Counselling |
Drug & Alcohol Counselling |
Kids Helpline Chat |
MensLine Australia |
Lifeline Crisis Chat |
If it’s an emergency …
Online counselling is not an emergency service so if you’re in an emergency situation or need immediate assistance,
- go to your local hospital’s Emergency Department
- call emergency services on 000
- speak with your GP.
If you need to speak to someone urgently, call either
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
- 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84).
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse