2025 Kingaroy Highlights #4
Principal's Message
Senior School
Wellbeing and Engagement
Year 12 Senior Leader Badge Presentation
PBL Message – Respect Yourself and Others
Hospitality News
Year 11 Legal Studies visit Toowoomba Magistrates Court
One Life, One Road - Year 12 Health
Year 10 Legal Studies – Visit to Parliament House & the Queensland Police Museum
Legal Research Expert comes to Kingaroy SHS
Health News
Upcoming Events
Community News
Principal's Message
Good morning everybody,
David Thomson, the very proud Principal of Kingaroy State High School.
Welcome to the Kingaroy Highlights for another fortnight.
This week, I want to show you the progress being made for our canteen. Our new canteen will be ready for Term Two—about Week Two or Three, we believe it’ll be ready and in action.
So, this is a whole complete refurb, sponsored by our P&C. We’re getting a brand-new kitchen, brand new amazing cafeteria as well for our students to access, as well as an amazing new canteen which will service our students for many, many years.
We have to thank our tireless and hardworking P&C that have really driven this over the last couple of years, and it’s almost ready to go.
Our P&C AGM is this week, so as a parent or a community member, if you’d like to come along and have your say at the P&C and to have some influence on the decisions that are made, the P&C is the place to be.
So come along to our P&C AGM on Tuesday night for this year. It’s in our Community Building, and we look forward to seeing you all there.
Senior School

Block Exams
With Block Exams for Year 11 and 12 students in Week 10, it is important that students are well prepared both academically and physically. Follow your study plan, eat well, drink plenty of water and get eight hours sleep a night.
To achieve their very best, students need to attend every day, hand in complete, quality drafts and complete assessment tasks to the best of their ability.
A reminder to both Year 11 and 12 students that two of the requirements to receive an invitation to formal are attendance of at least 90% over Years 11 and 12, and for Year 12s, no 'N's in Units 3 and 4. For Year 11s, no 'N's or 'E's in Units 3 and 4.
Catch up sessions
During the Block exam period there are number of catch-up sessions for practical subjects and VET courses. Parents and students will be notified by their student's teacher if they are required to attend.
Absence during an exam
If your Year 11 or 12 student is ill/injured during the exam block, please complete the following steps:
- Contact the school office before the exam
- Arrange the completion of an Illness and Misadventure document by a medical professional (please let your doctor know you are a Senior student at KSHS and require documentation completed). Please note that “Unfit for Duty” is not enough. These documents are on the school website under the Senior School tab in Curriculum.
A reminder that absences of the student/parent/caregiver's own choosing, e.g., family holiday do not qualify for an AARA.
YEAR 12 Flexible Lesson
As part of our Senior School Step Up Strategy, we are committed to working with our Year 12 students to ensure they are active participants in their senior pathway. In line with this, we are encouraging students to take ownership of their studies, their work and other commitments.
To be eligible to apply for Senior Flex Off, students must meet the following criteria:
- Maintain 90% present + medical attendance
- Be on track to attain their QCE
- Be up to date with VET courses
- Have Completed Career Ed/ First Aid
*Note: Music Extension students will be unable to apply for Flex Off as Period 4 on Tuesday is their allocated time with their specialist teacher but will be able to negotiate an alternative time if eligible.
From Term 2, 2025, our school will be running an alternative program/study class for Year 12 during Period 4 every Tuesday for eligible students.
To support our Year 12 students manage their range of pathway commitments, the decision has been made to allow Year 12 students the option to Flex Off from 1:25pm every Tuesday.
This flex off time is designed to provide our Senior students with the opportunity to be flexible with how they manage their additional commitments, such as School-based apprenticeships and traineeships; TAFE days and blocks; academic requirements/ATAR workload; study sessions and catch-up tutorials.
See a copy of the letter that was emailed to home today as well HERE!
Advice from QCAA about preparing for exams
Get healthy and happy
Being healthy and having a positive outlook can contribute to your success at school.
It isn’t always easy, but there are lots of things you can do to keep your mind and body healthy.
Maintaining your physical health
Maintaining your health and fitness can elevate your mood and make it easier to maintain a school/life balance.
Eating well, getting enough exercise and rest is critical for your health.
Top 10 tips for health and fitness
- Stay active — aim for 30-60 minutes of activity every day.
- Mix it up — try different exercises or activities that you enjoy, so you work different parts of your body and don’t get bored.
- Hydrate — drink lots of water throughout the day. It’s good for your body and your mind. Avoid high-sugar drinks.
- Eat well — enjoy everything in moderation, with an emphasis on lots of fruit and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, dairy and healthy fats. Try to avoid fast foods.
- Eat regularly — avoid skipping meals as it can impact on your concentration.
- Get your Zs in — aim for eight hours sleep most nights. Try to get in a routine and avoid screen time directly before bed.
- Stay safe — whether you’re exercising or playing sport, learning to drive, or navigating a relationship you need to stay safe. Be aware of your surroundings, wear protective clothing if needed and be aware of warning signs!
- Avoid harmful substances — you know they’re bad for you and will impact on your health.
- Get social — take time to connect with friends and family.
- Manage your mental health — find ways for positive relaxation and to reduce stress.
More Information and some useful links from the QCAA can be found here
Mr Andrew Maddern
A/Deputy Principal, Educational Achievement - Senior Secondary
2025 School Invoices
Invoices for 2025 school fees have now been issued. Payments can be made via QParents, QKR, BPoint, or in person at the school office.
If you have not received your invoice, please contact the school to confirm that we have your correct email address on file.
Wellbeing and Engagement

Year 9 Update
Year 9 students are doing exceptionally well as they cruise towards their target of 135 Kingaroy Merit Points to earn their end-of-term Pizza Party! Their outstanding behaviour and strong effort have not gone unnoticed. Staff have praised their diligent attitude, and students continue to stay on top of their assessment tasks with enthusiasm and focus.
During the recent NAPLAN tests, Year 9 demonstrated excellent behaviour, with students sitting quietly and completing their tasks responsibly. Well done!
Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing Survey
In the first four weeks of Term 2, students in Years 7, 9, 10 and 12 will be invited to participate in the Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing (QEW) Survey.
This survey helps measure how state school students view their wellbeing and engagement. The results will provide valuable insights that help us better support our students and respond to their needs.
A letter with further information will be emailed to parents of students in the relevant year levels.
PBL Message
This week’s PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) message is: Respect Yourself and Others. As one of our core 3 Rs, Respect has been a focus in this week’s PBL lesson.
Students used their Ready to Learn Plans in their school diaries to reflect on their regulation strategies and how these help them maintain respectful interactions with others.
Next week’s PBL lesson will celebrate the many positive things happening around the school. Both attendance and behaviour data continue to show great improvement — keep up the fantastic work!
Mr Steve Perrett
Deputy Principal, Wellbeing and Engagement
Year 12 Senior Leader Badge Presentation

This week at our parade, Year 12 students who completed the Leadership Program were awarded their Senior Leadership Badges. This achievement recognises the responsibility and leadership these students are willing to take on.
We are excited to see how they will use their leadership skills to make a positive impact on our school community, and we have no doubt they will leave behind a lasting legacy.
Congratulations to all students on receiving your Senior Leadership Badges. We look forward to seeing the great things you will accomplish in your final year!
Mrs Krysty Connelly
Year 12 YLC

PBL Message – Respect Yourself and Others
Legendary soul queen Aretha Franklin once sang, “R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me.” And that’s exactly what the Year 8s did this week as part of their Form / Lifeskills program. Below is a selection of their responses to the question, ‘How do people respect each other at Kingaroy High School?’
- “We show respect by saying ‘good morning’ to teachers and being polite.” Kaycee Hazelton
- “Mrs Furtado is always there for me and always encourages me to grow.” Rylee Groth
- “Someone showed me respect by helping me when I was crying, even though they are not my friend.” Alexia Smith
- “I would like to thank Clontarf for respecting us, and letting us be us.” Jacob Barrass
- “I show respect by helping my teacher clean up and hand out worksheets.” Kiriwera Andrews
- “I’m shown respect by my coaches, who show up to training and all the gamedays.” Hudson Murphy
- “I show respect by always listening to others when they’re speaking.” Dakota Douglas
Well done, Year 8s. Let’s keep building our reputations based on respect!
Hospitality News

For the third year in a row, senior students volunteered at HerKind’s celebration of International Women’s Day. This year, they had the opportunity to attend a Gala Ball at the Town Hall on 8th March.
Fourteen students assisted with various tasks throughout the evening, including selling raffle tickets, serving and clearing a three-course meal, and clearing drinks. All students were outstanding ambassadors for Kingaroy State High School.
At this week’s senior parade, the students were presented with a certificate and a small gift as a token of HerKind’s gratitude for their community service.
Mrs Lisa Hutton
Hospitality Teacher

Year 11 Legal Studies visit Toowoomba Magistrates Court
On Monday, 3rd March, 20 intrepid Legal Studies students trekked their way to Toowoomba to visit the courthouse there to see cases in action, look at the way the courts’ processes work firsthand, and got to see court personnel working. Whilst District Court cases were held on that day, they were closed court ones, but the Kingaroy students had the privilege of a District Court judge spending about 40 minutes with them talking students through the personnel of a court room and the process of trials. She led students through an impromptu role play, which our Year 11s joined in with gusto. Many thanks to Toowoomba Magistrates Court for allowing us to visit, and to the court officials who made it a memorable visit.
Ms Nerissa Maudsley
Legal Studies Teacher

One Life, One Road - Year 12 Health
During Week 7, the Year 12 Health class delivered a road safety innovation to the senior students of Kingaroy State High School.
Currently, many students in Years 11 and 12 hold a Learner Licence or are qualified with their Provisional Licence. With this increase in independence, it is important that our students know how to keep themselves—and those they share the road with—safe. Young drivers, especially those in rural communities, often have higher rates of overconfidence in their driving abilities, leading them to make decisions that can put their own and others’ health and safety at risk.
This innovation was designed to improve young drivers’ awareness, influence them to make better decisions behind the wheel, and encourage them to take fewer risks on rural roads—all of which are common issues among this demographic.
The Health class utilised a range of local resources to present and provide road safety information to Year 11 and 12 students. This included presentations from local Emergency Services personnel, who spoke about the consequences of dangerous driving and how to respond proactively to avoid traffic collisions. In addition to these presentations, Year 12 students delivered sessions during timetabled Form and Life Skills/BRAKE lessons to their peers, created posters for display around the school, designed Facebook posts, and wrote segments for the senior school notices.
By creating an interactive and informative campaign using resources available within the Kingaroy community, we hope that KSHS senior students will better understand the risks they may face on the road, think twice before engaging in risky behaviours, and make healthier, safer decisions.
Although this road safety initiative was primarily targeted at Year 11 and 12 students, it is also crucial for parents and caregivers to recognise the powerful influence they have on their young person’s driving habits. The way you drive with your student in the car plays a significant role in shaping how they drive and the habits they form. This was highlighted in a survey we conducted, where 86% of Year 11 and 12 students reported that their parents or caregivers had the greatest influence on their driving.
As part of our campaign, we encourage you to talk to your young person about road safety and support them in developing safe, lifelong driving habits.
Chelsea Jones and Charlotte Glenny
Year 12 Health students

Year 10 Legal Studies – Visit to Parliament House & the Queensland Police Museum
On Thursday, 13th March, 19 Year 10 Legal Studies students were able to visit the Parliament House in George St, Brisbane, where they were able to undertake a tour of both chambers of the house, and participate in a role play on how laws are made by Members of Parliament. The students were full of questions about various aspects of the buildings, the law-making, and the people who currently make up the Parliament, which were very well answered by our Education Officer Kirsten, and by our local member Deb Frecklington. Given that Mrs Frecklington is also the Queensland Attorney-General, it was great that she was able to pop in to talk to our group about Parliament, and answer ANY of the questions the students had – and we do mean ANY! She also brought one of her staffers with her, former Kingaroy SHS student Zac Dennien, who was also a Legal Studies student when he attended our school. It was a lovely visit, with time to go via the Riverside Walk to the Queen Street Mall for lunch, followed by a quick visit to the always fascinating Queensland Police Museum.
Ms Nerissa Maudsley
Legal Studies Teacher


A huge congratulations to Keiran on reaching an incredible milestone – 100 morning training sessions with the Clontarf Academy!
This achievement reflects real dedication, consistency, and a positive attitude – getting up early and showing enthusiasm day after day is no small feat. Keiran’s commitment is laying a strong foundation for a bright future.
Keiran was proudly presented with his Clontarf shorts at assembly this week to mark the occasion.
Well done, Keiran – we’re proud of you!

Legal Research Expert comes to Kingaroy SHS
The Year 11 & 12 Legal Studies classes were pleased to welcome Kirsten Murray, from the Parliamentary Education Office, and formerly of the Supreme Court Law Library in Brisbane, who was able to provide a 70-minute lesson in how to conduct legal research properly to both our Year 11 and Year 12 Legal classes. It was great to have students have access to one of the people who co-wrote the Legal Studies textbook that we currently use.
Ms N Maudsley
Legal Studies teacher

Health News

World Down Syndrome Day is on 21 March every year. It is a global awareness day with the goal to help people understand and support those with Down syndrome better.
The date being the 21st day of the 3rd month was chosen to represent the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. Most people have 23 pairs of chromosomes – 46 in total. People with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome added onto the 21st pair – 47 in total. Chromosomes act like an instruction manual that defines how our bodies look and how they work.
Around 1 in every 800 babies will be born with Down syndrome. Down syndrome occurs naturally, there is no known cause. The below video explains about Down syndrome.
World Down Syndrome Day creates a single global voice advocating for the rights, inclusion and wellbeing of people with Down syndrome.
This year the theme for World Down Syndrome Day is to call on all Governments to improve support systems. People with Down syndrome need support to live and be included in the community, like everyone else. Many people with Down syndrome around the world don’t get the support they need. By working together, our campaign to improve our support systems can be part of a wider push for rights-based approach to care and support.
For more information, go to:
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse

Upcoming Events

Community News