Term 4 | Week 8 | Issue 4
From the Principal
P&C - Tuckshop News
School Notices - Toilet Blocks Closed
Hospitality News
Year 12 Early Offer Students
Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement
Chess Championships
Year 6 Music Transition Program
YourTown Visit
Year 10 Business Shark Tank
Year 10 Math
ACU Visit
Garden Beds
Raise our Voice Australia - Youth Voice
Dreamworld Visit
Community Notices
From the Principal
So many great things happening at the school. Highlights include:
- Graduation ceremony
- Formal
- Early offer into university for 16 Year 12 students
- 2023-2026 Strategic Plan and AIP developed for next year
- Transition activities for Year 6 into Year 7 students
- One to One school leased computer – 130+ on order
- Admin offices completed
- New projector installed in KPAC
- Library refurbishment underway
- Year 10 rewards trip to Dreamworld as a reward for 90% attendance and completion of assessment as expected
- The release of 2022 Noorook
- Upgrade of internet speed to x60 faster internet speed
- KCE awards for Year 10
We are so proud of our students and their wonderful achievements. What opportunities students have at Kingaroy State High School!
Responsibility – 2023 initiatives
New HOD roles for 2023
In 2023 there will be a number of HOD role changes to support the 2023-2026 Strategic plan with a clear focus on wellbeing and engagement particularly in Junior Secondary.
The new HOD roles for 2023 are:
- HOD Teaching and Learning and Year 9 Student Engagement
- HOD Arts and Year 9 Student Engagement
- HOD Student Engagement Year 8
- HOD Student Engagement Year 7
These new Engagement HODs will have a key focus on:
Lead Tier 2 and 3 management of behaviour
- Leading the development and implementation of programs to support disengaged students and their caregivers. Utilising: Student Engagement Centre/Digital Classroom/Referral to SSS/ Risk Assessments and Discipline Improvement Plans
- PBL data analysis
- Greater than 85% A – C, 30% A – B
- PBL Major and minor
- NAPLAN data
- 90% attendance
- Less than 10% Student Discipline Absences
- Leading the intervention of disengaged students to provide proactive programs/support provisions to support students in improving their A-C achievement. E.g Elevate, SEC.
- Collaboratively, with members of the Student Support Services Team, address and action appropriate supports (internal and external) for referred students. Build the capability of YLC’s to align the Form Program to the Australian Curriculum V9 and meet the 21st Century social/emotional wellbeing needs of our students. The curriculum needs to also align to the pedagogical practices to effectively engage all learners.
- Participating in Coaching and Feedback and Collegial Engagement, e.g. walkthroughs. Where required, engage in the Beginning Teachers Program.
- Collaboratively developing and implementing a school approach to support student learning and wellbeing/engagement (Support programs, provisions, networks) to support student outcomes. E.g. Elevate and being an active member of the Student Support Serves Team (SSS).
- Fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment. Nurture positive relationships between students, teachers and parents. Developing partnerships with government agencies and community groups.
- Engagement with professional development specific to engagement.
- Upskilling in using National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) and Personalised Learning Records (PLR)
- Leading and contribute to PBL initiatives to improve educational outcomes for students. Collaboratively develop and implement policies and procedures to monitor and track attendance and behaviour for students. Triage all students BM incidents identified in the year level to relevant personnel. Active member of year level case management team. Collate, analyse and communicate relevant data sets as per Data Plan.
- Leading and managing the Student Engagement Centre (SEC) and co-line manage the 1.0 Student Engagement Staff. Line Management: Youth Support Co-ordinator, Community Education Counsellor, YLC’s. Accountable for medical health plans (non-verified students) for students.
- Planning for opportunities to promote and celebrate traditions, values and cultures of the school community relevant to students. Develop/review role descriptions for support/wellbeing staff.
- Coordinating with DP, HODs, Inclusion Staff, Guidance Officers, external agencies and visiting specialists, and implement any additional support provisions required for students. E.g. Out of home care kids.
Resilience – Mental Health and Wellbeing
Positive mental health and wellbeing is relevant to all of us, increasing life satisfaction and positively impacting on workplace productivity, community contribution, family life and physical health. Mental health is also fluid and individuals can continue to experience good mental health and wellbeing whether or not they have a mental illness.
You may already be doing a number of things to look after your mental health and wellbeing. Queensland Health's Dear Mind campaign talks about 'The building blocks' in terms of making time to participate in simple activities to help build your resilience to the stresses of everyday life and seek support when you recognise that your own mental health and wellbeing might be at risk.

Respect- Staff Shout outs
Thank you to:
Rose Kulich – for her great work as Acting HOD Humanities for the last few weeks. Big shoes to fill, which she did with professionalism and enthusiasm. Thank you Rose.
Graduation team –
- Dave Hill
- Yvonne Walters
- Jas Foxwell
- Jamie Shirlaw
- Sophie Steinhardt
- Carissa Sempf
- Andrew Madden
- Craig Reiger
- Caitlyn Penfold
- Alysha Walker
- Leanne Krosch
- Donna Clark
- Dave Muller
- Lois Blanch (cooked the muffins)
Thank you to all involved!
Donna Clark – Going above and beyond to help out the staff in the tuckshop while they have been short staffed last week.
Alex Fredericks – For facilitation of the Dreamworld rewards trip for the 110 students in Year 10 who have all assessment complete and an attendance >90%. This rewards program is intended to replicate the extrinsic motivation of formal in the senior years to reward and encourage student engagement in Year 10. Love your work Alex.
As part of the focus on resilience via activating partners, students and staff wellbeing and inclusion KSHS have newsletters feature information to parents. This week…concerns regarding Vaping/e cigarettes.
Happy learning,
David Thomson
P&C - Tuckshop News
Position Vacant: Canteen & Catering Manager
We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated person with a passion for health and cooking to lead our team starting in 2023.
The Manager will be in charge of the day to day operations of our busy tuckshop and will be supported by our team of canteen assistants and volunteers. Our busy School Canteen is open Monday to Friday and provides catering for events during school hours. There is also opportunity to raise extra funds to cater for events held at KPAC (Kingaroy Performing Arts Centre) which is located at the school.
The successful applicant will be employed by the Kingaroy State High School P&C Association. Please email the P&C for a copy of the position description.
Please email your resume and a letter outlining your suitability to the P&C Executive by 30 November 2022.
Email pandc@kingaroyshs.eq.edu.au
For more information, please call KSHS P&C President Lois on 0427 769 376
School Notices - Toilet Blocks Closed
On Monday our senior toilet blocks are having some works carried out which is due to be completed before school returns in January. This means that from Monday the senior toilets will be closed for use. Students will still have normal access to the junior toilets.
Hospitality News
As part of their Certificate II in Hospitality students are required to complete 12 shifts working in a hospitality establishment. The Kingaroy RSL has been a great supporter of our program for many years, allowing our Year 11 students to complete 6 shifts of work placement to enable them to work towards fulfilling this requirement. The last few weeks have been a particularly busy time as most nights there has been a student working behind the bar. Students are also able to work their shifts during the day. If visiting the RSL, look out for one of our students.

Year 12 Early Offer Students
Year 12 Early Offer Students

For the first time ever, this year's Year 12 Formal was live streamed with great success. The formal committee did a fantastic job with decorations and organising such a spectactular night! Check out all the photos from the evening on our Kingaroy State High School Facebook page

Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement
A number of students have been completing their assessment for their Cert II in Sampling and Measurement. Last week, groups of students have been walking down to the duck pond to take water samples and analyse their results. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students given by Leichhardt, whose teaching staff travelled all the way from the Gold Coast in order to give our students this opportunity. This course is excellent preparation for the Senior Sciences and any elements of University Science. The cost of the course was completely covered by VETIS (VET in schools) funding, supporting students to further their education, passions and skills.

Chess Championships
Twenty students took part in the Kingaroy State High School 2022 Chess Championships over the course of Term 4. An impressive level of play was witnessed in the preliminary rounds all the way through to the quarter and semi-finals. In the grand final, Tom Maddock defeated Axel Johnson to become the inaugural champion. Congratulations to all competitors who took part.
Winner: Tom Maddock
Runner Up: Axel Johnson
Semi Finalists: Nathan Mollenhauer & Benjamin Foreman
Quarter Finalists: Phoenix Raishbrook, Tye Evans, Charlie Hitchins, Caleb Barritt
Encouragement: Archie Hitchins

Year 6 Music Transition Program
Last week, we were visited by a number of students from our local primary schools as part of our Instrumental Music Transition Program. Students from Taabinga State School Kingaroy State School St John's Lutheran School Coolabunia State School and many more had the opportunity to play alongside our high school students and learn what it's like to be a part of the incredible music program that Kingaroy State High School offers.

YourTown Visit
This week we had the lovely yourtown Australia visit us here at Kingaroy State High School for a sausage sizzle, a good chat, and some painting. Thank you YourTown!

Year 10 Business Shark Tank
This week, the amazing Year 10 Business class did a Shark Tank as part of their assessment. The students were required to pitch a business idea to a panel of sharks consisting of Principal Mr David Thomson, Business HOD Mrs Carmel McKeering and Brett Otto - Mayor SBRC. Congratulations to our students for such incredible pitches and a huge thank you to Mayor Brett Otto and our other panel members for taking the time to support our students!

Year 10 Math
This week, Year 10 Maths students tested their group work and STEM skills to design a paper plane and launcher for their final Maths lesson of the year. They spent a long time perfecting the design of the launcher and then even longer finding the best size plane to use. Students were tasked to create a launcher and plane that would travel the furthest, with limited materials. Unfortunately the planes didn’t get too far.
Students enjoyed the opportunity to fly paper planes, while their teachers appreciated the growth and maturity in students problem solving and group work skills.
Other Junior Maths students will be completing STEM activities in the coming week.

ACU Visit
A huge thank you to Australian Catholic University (ACU) who came down to Kingaroy State High School yesterday and facilitated a number of fitness and coordination activities for our students!

Garden Beds
Students and staff at KSHS have been working hard to set up raised garden beds in preparation for 2023. The funding for the garden beds was kindly donated by Ms Leigh Iszlaub a former student at KSHS. The Men’s Shed worked tirelessly to build the garden beds from recycled materials. KSHS students are very thankful to all for making this project possible.

Raise our Voice Australia - Youth Voice
Recent graduate, Ben Springhall has a passion and drive for politics. This year, Ben submitted a 90 second speech to the Raise Our Voice Australia campaign. Out of 25 entrants from the electorate, Ben was successful with having his speech shared by Member for Maranoa – David Littleproud during proceedings in the House of Representatives on Wednesday. The Raise Our Voice Australia campaign allows young people to express their vision for Australian parliament and share what they think Australia's new parliament should accomplish. Ben highlighted not only the rise of the cost of living, but also the lack of affordable tertiary opportunities for regional students. To read more about the Raise Our Voice Australia campaign here: https://raiseourvoiceaustralia.com/youthvoice
Congratulations Ben, we know you are going to make some fantastic changes in the future.
Dreamworld Visit
Yesterday, 110 Year 10 students travelled to Dreamworld for their rewards trip in celebration of completing their assessment and achieving their attendance goal. This rewards program is intended to replicate the extrinsic motivation of formal in the senior years to reward and encourage student engagement in Year 10.

Community Notices