Year 12
Year 12 students have started the year hitting the ground running.
They are continuing with Unit 3 work and many students will have assessment due over the next couple of weeks. Please remember that non-submission of assessment has huge consequences and without a draft, will result in an 'N' being awarded for the subject overall.
Ninety-nine students are heading off on camp next week….it should be a great experience and many fantastic memories will be made.
For those students not attending camp, a study room will be provided at school for students to continue to work on their class work as no formal classes will be operating.
Our staff were very impressed with our new House Captains and the Year 12s in general, as they showed outstanding leadership and encouragement at the house swimming carnival last Friday. Well done.
The school is hosting a Year 12 parent/caregiver information evening on Tuesday 14 February in KPAC starting at 6.00pm. I hope to see you there!
Year 11
Two hundred Year 11 students have started on their Senior Schooling journey.
We stress to the Year 11 group how important it is to STEP UP from Week 1 of Year 11 in terms of attendance, homework and general commitment to study.
Year 11 students had until today to change out of their timetabled subjects with many students taking this opportunity. After today, students will have the opportunity to change at the end of Unit 1, about half way through term 2.
The school is also hosting a Year 11 Parent/Caregiver information evening next Tuesday 7 February beginning at 6.00pm in KPAC. I hope to see you all there.
A large number of our Year 11 students also began at TAFE this week and it was great to see the way they were engaging with their new courses.
Senior Schooling Team
If you have any questions about Senior Schooling please don’t hesitate in contacting one of the following:
Mark Freeman - Deputy Principal Senior Schooling
Leanne Krosch - Head of Department Senior Schooling
Krysty Connelly - Head of Department PE
Helen Beresford - Deputy Principal Culture and Inclusion
Robyn Hourn - Senior Schooling Administration
Renee Feather - Link and Launch Coordinator
Mark Freeman

Welcome Back
Welcome back to what I am sure will be another great year at Kingaroy SHS. The staff and students certainly appear refreshed after a well-deserved break.
I have the privilege of being the Deputy Principal for Year 9. These young students have already proven to me they have the capability of becoming great young adults. Included in the Year 9 team are Mrs Alysha Walker and Mrs Mel Kempson, Year 9 Coordinators and two Engagement HODs, Mrs Robyn Ferling and Miss Kathryn Radunz. These dedicated staff will provide a high level of support for their young charges. I look forward to working with the staff and students to make 2023 the best it can be.
School Photo Day
One of the early school events in 2023 will be photo day on Tuesday February 21. Page 12 of the school diary clearly articulates the uniform policy and this uniform is to be worn every school day, but it is very important that students look their best on photo day.
Metal facial piercings are not acceptable. Acceptable jewellery includes a flat fine ring, standard small studs or standard sleepers as ear rings, clear spacers if required, and one small flat bracelet. Necklaces are not to be visible. The Kingaroy State High School Prospectus states that students may wear one fine sleeper or studs for ear piercings.
All the best for a great 2023!!
Steve Perrett
Deputy Principal
Wellbeing and Engagement

Parents of students in Years 7 & 10 have the option to use the Queensland Schools Immunisation Program each year.
Envelopes went home this week with all students in these year levels.
Immunisation dates scheduled for Kingaroy SHS are 8 May & 27 November for the Year 7s & 12 June for the Year 10s.
All relevant material is enclosed in these envelopes, please ensure envelopes are returned to the office by Friday 17 March if you wish to access this service.
Please contact Ozcare Toowoomba if you have any questions. Phone (07) 4639 7888
Instrumental Music is up and running for another year. Over 110 students will be performing in our bands this year and I think they are going to sound great. We’d like to wish our Year 7s a special welcome to Kingaroy SHS. We know you will love being a part of our program, and can’t wait to see you perform. This year our band rehearsals are:
Stage Band: Tuesday mornings at 7:30am
Symphonic Band: Thursday mornings at 7:30am
Wind Ensemble: Friday mornings at 7:30am
Group lessons kicked off this week and it was great to see so many there. Next week, we’d love to see everyone. Timetables are on display in the Performing Arts Block. If your child did not receive a copy, or if you have any questions about Instrumental Music please feel free to email us. Looking forward to another great year of music making.
Mr Matt Phillips mphil100@eq.edu.au and Miss Alisha Thurston axthu1@eq.edu.au

2 cars needed urgently
At Kingaroy SHS, we run a subject that requires students to disassemble and reassemble automotive vehicles. The type of car is mostly irrelevant, however it would need to be complete with respect to the body. It doesn’t matter whether it runs or not. If you think you can help us by donating your no longer required car, we would love to hear from you. We can arrange transport for the car at the expense of the school.
Please contact David Hill via email. dhill86@eq.edu.au

I am the new School Based Youth Health Nurse (SBYHN) that has been appointed to Kingaroy SHS. I have a background of 18 years of Rural and Remote Nursing predominantly in Emergency, and for the past 5 years in General Practice Nursing amongst many other areas. I completed a Bachelor of Nursing (pre reg) in 2004, a Master of Nursing (Rural and Remote) in 2014 and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing.
I grew up in the South Burnett and attended high school at Nanango many years ago. I have continued to live in the area since my nursing degree was completed. I am involved in many local organisations and activities with my young family including polocrosse, pony club, parkrun, roller skating and art events.
My role as a SBYHN is to provide health education, health promotion and individual and confidential consultations for students, families, and staff. I can assist with referrals to other services and provide support for health issues. I will also be providing activities for health promotion around the school and education to health issues through newsletters. This service is in partnership with Education Queensland.
I will be available from 9am to 3pm Tuesday – Friday at Kingaroy SHS. You are able to contact me via email, phone, dropping into my office at the Community Building, or completing an appointment request form in Student Services and placing it in the blue box.
Where to get help
I am always happy to assist with providing support finding where to get help from and to discuss and complete referrals to services that you may need. If you do not want to discuss your concerns with me then a good starting point would be to contact:
• Kids Helpline - ph: 1800 55 1800 or visit https://kidshelpline.com.au
*Kids Helpline are available for young persons to the age of 25 as well as parents.
• Headspace – ph: 1800 650 890 or visit https://headspace.org.au
*Headspace is available for mental health and wellbeing support
• Your local GP
Selena – SBYHN
Email: sstev277@eq.qld.au or Selena.Stevens3@health.qld.gov.au
Phone: 41600526 when in office

Hello from the school Social Worker Amy!
I have been working at Kingaroy State High School since Term 3, 2022. I sit at Student Services and work on Mondays and Fridays.
I can support students and their families, with a focus on early intervention/ preventative mental health supports. This can include providing individual and family counselling, linking with other support services and group work. At times, school can cause anxiety and stress for some students and it can be beneficial to talk through this so that school can be a safe environment for learning.
If you would like to see me for any reason, please contact school Guidance Officers, Mr Wicks and Mrs Zischke, to organise a referral.

Welcome back students!
Both Harry and I are excited for the new year ahead, with camps, morning trainings and partner visits, 2023 will be very exciting and busy.
Monday afternoons – Basketball, all welcome
Tuesday mornings - Clontarf training from 7.30am, all welcome
Tuesday afternoons – Homework club at the KSHS Library
Wednesday afternoons – Swimming/Gym
Thursday mornings - Clontarf training from 7.30am, all welcome

A great day was had by all staff and students involved in the Interhouse Swimming Carnival last week. The Year 12s showed great leadership in getting involved and cheering on their sporting houses. In the end, Palmer had incredible participation thoughout all year levels and managed to take out the trophy. Well done Palmer!! Congratulations to all of our Age Champions who received their certificates on parade this week.

The South Burnett Regional Council would like to invite young people between 14 and 24 years of age to nominate for the 2023 South Burnett Regional Youth Council!
The Youth Council will meet regularly and will advocate for the needs of the young people who live, work and study in our communities.
Members will help organise youth and community events, and will have the opportunity to participate in Youth Leadership forums and personal development activities.
Online nominations are now open via the South Burnett Regional Council Website https://www.southburnett.qld.gov.au/homepage/282/youth-council
Nominations close 10 Feb.
Community News