Principal's Message

Senior Schooling News

Academic Integrity
This week I attended a meeting presented by the QCAA, the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
One of the key aspects discussed was the increase in the number of artificial intelligence apps that have been developed in the last several months. These apps allow users to ask them a question, and the app produces a written response within seconds.
This may have an impact on the integrity of some assessment pieces and it is vitally important that students hear from school as well as home that the work they submit must be their own work.
The school already has mechanisms in place to ensure the ownership of student work but your support would be much appreciated.
Year 12 students completed a QCAA Academic Integrity course last year and out Year 11 students will be completing it in Week 6/7 of this term.
It is very clear from research that a high attendance rate at school is linked with student success, wellbeing and a sense of belonging.
In the Senior School, it is a big job catching up on work missed when a student is absent, so it is vitally important for students to attend school when they are able.
If a student is ill for a lengthy period of time, a Medical Certificate should be supplied and if assessment is occurring, the AARA documentation (emailed out last week) must be completed.
If you have any questions about this please do not hesitate in contacting me.
Part Time work
It is legislated in Queensland that students at school can work a maximum of 12 hours each week during term time. This may need parent/caregiver monitoring to ensure no more than this is occurring.
Any more than 12 hours often has a detrimental effect on student performance and takes away from the main game of completing Year 11 and 12 to the best of their ability.
Year 12 Night
The Year 12 night has been moved to Tuesday 21 February starting at 6.00pm in KPAC. Hope to see you all there.
Mark Freeman
Deputy Principal - Educational Achievement, Senior Secondary
Year 7 News & Happenings
All 186 Year 7s have had a solid start to 2023 at Kingaroy State High School. Their first week was full of induction, inter-house swimming carnival and finding out where to go as well as who was who. As a collective the group did an amazing job. It was fabulous to have many asking for help or directions, others helping their peers, and generally all working as a group. The second day was a full day of induction which allowed students to not just meet but also get to know their form class and the rest of the Year 7 group and staff in more depth. We are focusing on meeting high expectations because Year 7 is showing the rest of the year levels “how we do business” in 2023. Overall, with a variety of games as well as with questions and queries, we have navigated many small bumps along the way. Great job, Year 7s.
Should your Year 7 student be experiencing any hesitation or issues, please see if either of the links below might be helpful, and also don’t hesitate to contact your student’s form teacher. They are the first port of call (except for specific subject issues). https://www.childrens.health.qld.gov.au/blog-tips-for-a-smooth-transition-to-high-school/ https://beyou.edu.au/fact-sheets/development/transition-from-primary-to-secondary Some Year 7s will start to share the idea that you as their parent/caregiver do not need to know what is going on in their school world. I cannot be strong enough in the message that it is crucial that you are involved, albeit perhaps in a slightly different way to what might have been customary in primary school. Firstly, we would love it if you could PLEASE check in on them with thought-provoking conversations every day! Listen to what they actually say and never accept the [pre]teen-speak, “good,” or “fine” or “nothing” kind of responses. We, too, will continue to try to extend their vocabulary and willingness to talk in a more mature manner. If you think you might be at the end of your caring parental questions, maybe these below could help (asking specific, but open-ended questions):
a. Tell me about the best part of today.
b. Who did you sit with / spend time with at break today?
c. What is the biggest difference between last year and this?
d. What is the most interesting thing you saw or heard today?
e. What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
f. If you could change one thing at school, what would it be?
g. What made you laugh/worry/smile at school today?
h. Do you think Maths/English/Science/any subject is harder this year?
i. What is something one of your teachers said today that you are still thinking about?
j. What parts of the day went the fastest today? Slowest?
k. Which classroom is your favourite and why?
l. What are you most looking forward to tomorrow/this year?
At all times, feel free to contact your child’s form teacher (wellbeing, general questions), class teacher (curriculum questions), the Year Level Coordinators, Year 7 Student Engagement Head of Department or myself. Students should soon have each of their teachers’ email addresses, and this is often the easiest / quickest way to make contact. Students are required to bring their diary and pencil case (with pens, pencils etc) every lesson, so please help them to check that these are packed each day. It is important that each subject has its own A4 notebook (refer to “Booklists” for specifics) and not a notebook that is shared across subjects. Can you please check that your student has their School bucket hat every day. If not, send them to the lost property trolley at F block. Thank you for allowing us to share this journey of learning, development & maturity with your Year 7 student.
Helen Maudsley - Deputy Principal Educational Achievement, Junior Secondary hmaud2@eq.edu.au
Wellbeing and Engagement

Photo Day
Photo day is Tuesday February 21, which is next week. Page 12 of the school diary clearly articulates the Uniform Policy. This uniform is to be worn every school day but it is especially important that students look their best on photo day.
Metal facial piercings are not acceptable. Acceptable jewellery includes a flat fine ring, standard small studs or standard sleepers as ear rings, clear spacers if required and one small flat bracelet. Necklaces are not to be visible.
Students attending TAFE, are at work experience, or absent for disciplinary reasons etc may have their photo taken before school on Tuesday, from 7.30am. School uniform is required.
Positive Behaviour for Learning is in full swing at Kingaroy SHS. Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole-school framework that promotes positive behaviour across the school and helps schools develop safe and supportive learning environments. The school has been promoting that students be organised and use their diary as well as following procedures.

Kingaroy Merit Points will be given to students seen doing the right thing- if they earn 75 points by Week 9 they will receive a $5 tuckshop voucher. This is to reward those great young people we have in the school who do the right thing.
Steve Perrett
Deputy Principal - Wellbeing and Engagement
2023 Mountain Bike Cross Country National Championships
Year 7 student Soren Turton recently competed at the 2023 Cross Country Mountain Bike National Championships in Thredbo.
She rode well against a competitive Under 15 Girls field on a challenging course to achieve 7th in the short course and 6th in the longer course.
At 1600m above sea level and with over 400m of elevation over 10km, and despite a crash through the technical section and a dropped chain, Soren really showed resilience to work her way through the competitors to 6th place. Well done Soren!

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet day is a global initiative that brings together communities, families, schools and organisations from more than 200 countries to help create safer online spaces (esafety.gov.au). It has been 20 years since the internet was made available to the general public. To celebrate this achievement, Safer Internet Day is encouraging you to Connect. Reflect. Protect.
Connect safely and with purpose by keeping apps and devices secure and using social media in positive ways.
Reflect before we act by taking a moment to consider how what we do and say online may affect others.
Protect ourselves and others by taking action by telling family, friends or colleagues about safety and how we can help.

Many resources are available for you to ensure a safer internet on esafety.gov.au. There are many short webinars from 30-45 minutes for parents and carers to watch on https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/webinars
Selena CN – School Based Youth Health Nurse; Tuesday – Friday 9am – 3pm
p: 0409059146 e: sstev277@eq.edu.au or Selena.Stevens3@health.qld.gov.au

Year 12 Leadership Camp
The Year 12 leadership camp at the Sunshine Recreation Centre at Currumundi ran from the 6th to the 8th of February with 98 students and 8 staff in attendance . The weather was perfect and activities were run in group rotations, with a Form teacher and an experienced Group Leader from the Recreation Centre attached to each group for the duration of camp . Students participated in rock climbing, alpine rescue, stand-up paddle boarding, giant swing and high ropes courses. Additionally, there were 2 pool parties, sunrise and evening walks on the beach, team building activities and a friendly quiz evening – won by the students. Thank you to all the students who went out of their way to participate and have fun. A huge thank you to Mrs Foxwell, Miss Penfold, Miss Pyke, Mrs Walters, Mrs Monteith, Mr Reiger and Mr Braganza for supporting our students. Everybody arrived home safely albeit a little tired from the experience.
Mrs Carissa Sempf - Year 12 Year Level Coordinator

From the Guidance Officer
School refusal impacts two to five percent of school student populations. Kingaroy State High School (KSHS) recognises the burden that school refusal places on families. As such, KSHS has positioned a team of staff to support students to engage or re-engage with their schooling. Supporting young people who manifest the symptoms of school refusal requires schools, families, health care providers, and mental health professionals to work together to assess for and manage school refusal.
Kawsar, Yilanli, and Marwaha (2022) distinguish between school refusal and truancy in the following ways:
School Refusal
1. Severe emotional distress about attending school manifests as anxiety, temper tantrums, depression, or somatic symptoms
2. Parents are aware of absence; the child often tries to persuade parents to allow him or her to stay home
3. Antisocial behaviors such as juvenile delinquency are not notably seen
4. Children usually stay home during school hours
1. Excessive anxiety or fear about attending school are not commonly seen; rather child often tries to conceal absence from parents
2. Antisocial behavior such as delinquent and disruptive acts, for example, lying and stealing, are frequent in the company of antisocial peers.
3. The child frequently does not stay home during school hours.
4. Anxious school refusal and truancy are distinct but not mutually exclusive and are significantly associated with psychopathology as well as adverse experiences at home and school.
They go on to offer that school refusal can lead to cognitive and psychological maturational delays (Kawsar, Yilanli, & Marwaha. 2022).
Follow this link if you are interested in more information, and contact our school if you would like to speak with someone regarding getting help for your young person.
Kawsar MDS, Yilanli M, Marwaha R. School Refusal. [Updated 2022 Jun 5]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534195/
Sean Wicks - Guidance Officer, Junior School
Here at Kingaroy SHS we have our very own Interact Club, which is a Rotary Club for young adults. Our Interact Club meet regularly in their lunch breaks and run various fundraisers throughout the year including sausage sizzles and bake sales. The money raised last year has been spent on purchasing art equipment to donate to Orana Aged Care for use by the residents. We were lucky enough to have a few of the residents come and join us on parade last week to receive the donation. Any students interested in joining Interact should get in touch with Mrs McKeering in the Student Engagement Centre or on cmcke28@eq.edu.au

Betta Electrical Kingaroy have a Junior position (Year 9/10/11 preferred) available for weekend work. Please present your resume to the Manager
at 102 Kingaroy Street, Kingaroy by the 24th of February 2023.