Principal's Message

Wellbeing and Engagement

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is having a positive impact at our school, with behavioural incidents declining and attendance improving. PBL is a whole-school framework that promotes positive behaviour and helps to create safe and supportive learning environments.
By implementing PBL, schools ensure that all students are taught the expected behaviours, and clear and consistent boundaries are established. Staff take a proactive, preventative approach to support students and help them be successful at school. Student outcomes are monitored, and additional support is provided when needed, including intensive support for a minority of students who may require it.
The benefits of PBL are numerous, including a reduction in behavioural incidents, increased attendance, and improved academic achievement. Students feel more supported, and the school culture becomes more positive and inclusive. Overall, PBL is an excellent framework for promoting positive behaviour and creating a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.
PBL- Film Shoot
A film crew will be at our school on Wednesday June 14 to help the Department of Education film some videos for professional development purposes. Six students will be interviewed on camera, and three classes will be filmed if their teacher is doing a demonstration. However, if your child is not comfortable being involved, they have the option to decline.
The students who are being interviewed will be asked questions relating to their experience of belonging and feeling connected at school:
-How do your teachers make you feel like you belong at school?
-In what ways do you feel connected at school?
-What do teachers do to make you feel welcome at school?
-Can you give an example of how a teacher made you feel like you belonged?
It's important to note that the finished videos will be uploaded to the Department of Education's YouTube channel and will be available to the public. Therefore, parents/caregivers will need to provide consent for their child to participate. If you or your child changes their mind about participating, you can withdraw consent.
If your child is invited to participate, they will be given a consent letter to take home. Please review the letter carefully and contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.
Steve Perrett
A/Deputy Principal, Wellbeing and Engagement
Hospitality News

It has been a busy month back at school for the Senior Certificate II in Hospitality students. With an early start to the term on the Saturday prior to Term 2 beginning, nine students volunteered at the Her Kind Women Supporting Women Luncheon at Mulanah Gardens. The students were responsible for the food and beverage service at the luncheon, including making a range of cocktails on the day. Last Thursday, students also volunteered to serve breakfast at the Relay for Life Launch at the Kingaroy RSL Club. Students are required to complete twelve shifts in a hospitality establishment across the two-year Certificate course. Although these events count towards these shifts, the students go above and beyond with the length of time or the time of the day that they work as well as helping our community.
The Year 11 students participated in a site visit to McDonald's to observe and find out from owner Andrea Steele the safety and hygiene practices that the McDonald's franchise has in place.
Lisa Hutton
Hospitality Teacher

Arts Round-up

There are always events and opportunities in The Arts at Kingaroy State High School. As a new staff member, I have been blown away by the talent, passion and cooperation between students and teachers – not to mention the ever-present support by the school and local community.
This term, there is lots to look forward to. The Arts Department are excited to celebrate the UNESCO Arts Week, in Week 6, from Monday 22nd to Friday 26th of May. This is a new project, being led by staff and senior students. Students will be able to spectate and participate in a range of multidisciplinary Arts activities.
Week 4 has already seen our Instrumental and Vocal groups compete at the Kingaroy Eisteddfod. Over the last few weeks, we also had many students represent their respective dance schools. I would like to congratulate our students and dedicated teachers, for the countless hours spent preparing music pieces and rehearsing. At Kingaroy State High School, we are so proud of these collaborative achievements.
We have a few other projects happening:
The Scene Project
The Scene Project is Queensland Theatre’s largest Education offering, encouraging drama students throughout the state to engage in the creative process of performance, from rehearsal through to presentation. Students, from Year 7 to 12, have been meeting each Thursday to hone skills and develop an understanding of the project under the guidance of Mrs Milanovic and Mrs Wintour. During the rehearsal phase, Queensland Theatre artists will visit our school to facilitate workshops. The project then concludes with local schools coming together in a professional theatre venue to share their performance.
Stay tuned for more updates on how our Scene Project crew are working together to put on a scene!
Creative Generations
CGEN provides students the chance to acquire new skills and refine their existing talents by working with some of Australia's leading performers in a world-class venue. Our students perform alongside a cast of well over 1500 students in this Arena stage spectacular. This year we have fourteen students representing our school in the onstage spectacular and three who are involved in the Excellence Awards in Instrumental Music (MOST).
Rehearsals are full steam ahead, as dancers, singers and instrumentalists begin extending their networks with professional artists. This incredible program is a unique and rewarding experience for both students and teachers. It celebrates access to the arts and encourages students of all levels of performance ability to get involved.
We are also fortunate to have some talented teachers, Mrs Dowideit-Reiger and Mrs Thurston, who will represent our school as teachers in the onstage and instrumental programs.
Current students in The Arts will have an opportunity to attend the onstage spectacular, with more information to be released shortly.

Student Spotlight
Gabby Townes (Year 9), is already showing qualities of a budding artist! Her expressive artwork, pictured below, is a compilation of just some of the tasks students complete in Year 9. We hope to see Gabby entering her work in competitions far and wide.

If you have any questions about the programs and opportunities for students, in The Arts, at Kingaroy State High School, please reach out (kradu8@eq.edu.au).
Kathryn Radunz
HOD Arts and Year 9 Student Engagement

The Kingaroy Lions travelled to Goondiwindi for the annual Year 7/Year 8 League carnival last week. The boys had a successful tournament, winning 3 out of 4 games, but unfortunately went down in the semi-final to Warwick.
Levi Madigan was awarded the Clontarf Spirit award for Kingaroy, and Trent Sellin (Year 8) took out the MVP award for scoring a 90 metre try which turned the game around.
Over 100 boys from New South Wales and Queensland participated in the carnival, making it a great opportunity for students to compete and develop their skills. Luke and Buddy did an excellent job hosting the carnival and ensuring it ran smoothly.
In addition to the carnival, the boys also took a quick trip over the border to New South Wales.
Congratulations to all the players who participated in the tournament, and a special congratulations to Warwick for being crowned champions on the day.
Michael Brown
Kingaroy Clontarf Director

Fudooka Exchange
We are happy to announce that after a break of three years due to COVID, our sister school, Fudooka Senior High School in Japan is coming to visit us from 29th July to 4th August. We have a group of twenty senior high school students and two teachers visiting. They will be participating in a variety of school and community activities in Week 4 of Term 3. It will be a great opportunity for them to mingle with our students and for us to showcase our wonderful school.
Part of this cultural exchange program involves the Japanese students living with a Kingaroy student and their family. This is a great opportunity for them to experience first hand our way of life and to form life-long friendships. We are looking for families willing to host a Japanese student during this time. All you need to do is provide them with their own room and bring them to school with your child. Blue cards are essential but the school can organise these for you. If you are interested or would like more information, please get in touch with Mrs Anna Vogelaar on avoge7@eq.edu.au.

Health News

This week the School Based Youth Health Nurse has been involved with Immunisation week.
Vaccines have saved more human lives than any other medical invention in history. This is due to the vaccine working by training the immune system to fight against certain viruses and bacteria. Certain molecules from the specific virus or bacteria is injected into the body so the immune system can safely learn what to fight against.
The first successful vaccine was given in 1796… Over 200 years ago.
The Australian Government pays for vaccines against 17 diseases to eligible people through the National Immunisation Program. Many of these diseases, such as Polio, Mumps and Diptheria, are rarely seen today due to immunisations.

Immunisation against Influenza (flu) is also a part of the National Immunisation Program. And as we are heading towards winter, now is a good time to get your flu vaccine, if you haven’t already had it this year.

Influenza (flu) vaccines are given each year to protect against the most common strains of the virus. These strains can change each year, so it is a good idea to get vaccinated every year.
You may qualify for a free flu vaccination if you meet any of the following criteria:
- 65 years and over
- pregnant
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander aged 6 months and over
- Children 6 months to less than 5 years
- People 6 months and over with certain medical conditions
-cardiac disease
-chronic respiratory conditions
-chronic neurological conditions
-immunocompromising conditions
-diabetes and other metabolic disorders
-renal disease
-haematological disorders
-children aged 6 months to 10 years on long term aspirin therapy
Frequent hand washing is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading illness. Particularly with a viral illness such as the common cold and flu. Make sure to use soap and water as part of your hand washing routine for at least 20 seconds. Or rub hand gel over the entirety of your hands and wait for it to dry.
Selena Stevens, School Based Youth Health Nurse

2023 Mountain Bike Competition

The 2023 Sunshine Coast Schools MTB Competition is happening on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st July at Sugarbag MTB Trails in Caloundra. The competition is open to Years 5-12, with a slightly different format this year where Years 5-8 will compete on Thursday and Years 9-12 on Friday.
Rocky Trail Entertainment will be running the competition, with a focus on engagement and participation. Students will compete on three different tracks and can complete multiple timed runs to get the total shortest time and gain points for their school. Even though some trail experience is preferred, students don't have to be seasoned racers to participate.
Kingaroy SHS has been the champion school for the past three years, but it would be great to see some new riders join the team, especially girls. The competition is designed to be both competitive and recreational, so all students are encouraged to participate and have a great day racing.
Parents who are interested in learning more about the competition can contact teachers Leigh Vogelaar (lvoge9@eq.edu.au) or Hanna Newton (hnewt5@eq.edu.au) or ask their child to collect an Expression of Interest letter. Good luck to all the participating schools!
Murgon Bus Service Change
As of Monday 15th May, the pick up and drop off location for the St Johns School Bus and Kingaroy State High School Bus will be changing. This is due to increased traffic around the current location and for the safety of all involved.
OLD LOCATION: Murgon Newsagency
NEW LOCATION: Murgon RSL footpath, Lamb Street.
Community News