Principal's Message
Senior Schooling News

Year 12
Year 12 students are busy completing their assessments, including the final internal assessments for their General subjects and the first piece for Unit 4 for their Applied subjects.
A few reminders:
1. A due date is a due date is a due date.
2. Submission of a draft is vitally important.
3. Failure to submit a final piece without a draft could result in an 'N' result for the assessment piece and an 'N' result overall for the subject.
4. All work submitted must be the student's own work, and for the work that isn’t, referenced in the task.
All students were emailed the External Exam timetable last week. The school will run a Mock External exam block in the final two weeks of Term 3 and the first week of Term 4. This will mirror image the external exam timetable as closely as possible.
Once again, thank you to those students who have followed the school rules in relation to jewellery and particularly facial piercings, rings and bars. Failure to do this will impact attendance at the end of year functions and this has been communicated many times to students and parents/caregivers. A small stud is permissible.
Next week the school has arranged Elevate Education to present a session on exam success to our Year 12 students. Elevate was booked earlier in the year but had to postpone due to staffing shortages. These sessions have been very well received in the past and often students can gain one or two very simple ideas that can have a big impact on their academic success.
Year 11
Year 11 students should have completed their subject changes by now and be well on their way in Unit 2.
The school is concerned that many Year 11 students are underachieving for a number of reasons including:
1. Not enough time studying at home.
2. Non-submission of drafts and/or not responding to the feedback on the draft.
3. Students spending too much time on Xbox/PlayStation/Netflix/YouTube etc. This must be managed and controlled.
4. Too many hours working in their part time job. This should be no more than 12 hours per week during term time - this is legislated in Queensland.
As the course chosen by the student is the student’s course, the school expects reasonable success. Without this success students may be expected to begin Year 11 again in 2024. While this has proven to be a very successful strategy, it is the school’s preference this does not occur.
Year 11 students will also be participating in an Elevate Education session next week on study skills. This has been very well received historically and I am sure a number of students will pick up some simple and helpful hints.
Year 11 and 12
Students who drive to school are expected to submit a driving form to the school office. This form can be found on the school website under Curriculum, Senior School.
This is very important, particularly if other students, even siblings, are travelling with the new driver. We would not recommend this at all, however, with parental/caregiver permission from all parties, it is allowed.
Year 10
Year 10 students have finished their subject selection talks this week in preparation for selecting subjects for 2024.
It is important that Year 10 students be developing study habits now, not waiting for the beginning of next year. This would include at least ninety minutes of homework, five nights each week.
The other important issue is attending school every day when well, which should be nearly all of the time, and submitting drafts and final copies of assessment tasks (that must be the student’s own work) by the due date.
More information out about our Year 10 to 11 night and 2024 soon!!
Mark Freeman
Deputy Principal, Educational Achievement - Senior Secondary
ICT Support for BYOD & One to One Devices

To assist with speedy resolutions to issues with BYOD and One to One Devices, a Support Request page has been added to Kingaroy State High School’s website. Additional measures are also being implemented in the IT Office for the swift logging and tracking of issues relating to BYOD and One to One Devices.
When logging an issue using the below link ensure that as much detail is included as possible. If making a general enquiry regarding the status of a One to One Device please select Other and enter One to One in the Details box.
Please note that Password Resets will not be completed outside of School hours and confirmation will be sought before changing a password.
Richard Henderson
Senior Computer Technician
Year 12 Exam Invigilators
Applications for invigilator roles from Queensland community members — including those who have already registered their interest — are now open. Those who have worked as an invigilator in previous years will also need to reapply.
Invigilators are required to attend allocated assessment sessions at assessment venues to observe the administration of assessments. Invigilators report their observations to the QCAA after each assessment session by completing an online Invigilator report.
To be eligible to apply for an external assessment invigilator role, community members must hold a current, paid blue card/exemption card from Blue Card Services or, for teachers, a current Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) registration. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and eligible to work in Australia. They must possess personal attributes of discretion, tact, attention to
detail, and an ability to maintain confidentiality, as well as meeting straightforward requirements for identification and access to technology.
For more information and instructions on how to apply, visit https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/senior/assessment/external-assessment/external-assessment-invigilators
Year 7 Transition Survey

Parents and caregivers of Year 7 students would have received an email this week with a survey in regards to the transition process. We would appreciate your input regarding the Year 6-7 Transition program at Kingaroy State High School. Your feedback will be valuable in enhancing our program for future students and families as they transition to high school. The survey can be found at https://forms.office.com/r/s7rJEPjBvM or by using the QR code.
Thank you for your assistance with this!
Miss Rose Kulich
Year 7 Coordinator
Premiers Anzac Prize

Looking for a life-changing experience? The 2024 Premier’s Anzac Prize is an opportunity for personal growth, to travel overseas, make new friends and learn about our Anzac history. We’re looking for students in Years 8-11 and teacher chaperones to gain an in-depth understanding of the Anzac legacy and commemorate fallen soldiers through research, workshops and visits to important memorial sites on the Western Front (UK, France and Belgium). Premier’s Anzac Prize applications close 17 July for teachers and 8 September for students. Find out more at Premier’s Anzac Prize
Community Notices