Principal's Message

Senior School News

Year 12 students are well through Unit 4 and are busy with assessment tasks at the moment.
We are moving towards the mock external exam block in Weeks 9 and 10 of this term and Week 1 of Term 4. All students remain at school for this time and leave their classes to sit the mock exams.
Students have been given this schedule already.
The purpose of the mock block is to give students the opportunity of seeing how they manage such an intense period of assessment, with a number of students having 11 exams
A few hints:
1. Get plenty of sleep - 8 hours minimum
2. Manage part time work commitments - allow time to get the school work and study done
3. Eat well - a good breakfast containing protein
4. Limit caffeine and sugar intake through coffee or high energy drinks
5. Surround yourself with other students who are calm and collected - avoid the student who always panics
6. Be organised - calculator, pens/pencils, clear water bottle and ruler etc.
Another reminder that the work a student submits MUST be their own work and appropriately referenced.
Year 11 students are now over half way through Unit 2.
A large amount of assessment is happening at the moment and we are working towards a large block exam period at the end of this term.
A reminder that students MUST submit final copies of assessment tasks to ensure an 'N' rating is not awarded.
Year 11 students participated in a fantastic day on Tuesday with the UPP leadership team. This is the first stage of the school’s leadership process as we move towards Year 12.
All students have had the opportunity of taking a leadership booklet which outlines the processes and timelines in detail as well as the Leadership Certificate form that allows students to be awarded a 2024 Senior badge.
A reminder if you have any questions regarding Senior schooling, the team consists of:
Mark Freeman
Leanne Krosch
Krysty Connelly
Alysha Walker
Mel Kempson
Helen Beresford
Robyn Hourn
Mark Freeman
Deputy Principal, Educational Achievement - Senior Secondary
Wellbeing and Engagement

PBL End of Year Trips and Rewards
Students in Year 9 and 10 who successfully achieve the set standards for effort, behavior, and attendance will receive an invitation to our end-of-year excursions. Year 9 students will have an opportunity to enjoy the Bli Bli Water Park, while Year 10 students will embark on an adventure to Dreamworld. A letter outlining the specific criteria for eligibility will be sent home to parents.
The implementation of incentives to acknowledge positive conduct has had a dramatic impact on improving the entire tone of the school. The introduction of Activities Afternoons, Pizza Parties, and a treat from Hungry Jack's at the end of this term has proven to be very popular amongst the students.
The dedicated staff at Kingaroy SHS have played a pivotal role in wholeheartedly supporting these initiatives, all geared towards creating a meaningful impact and fostering a positive change.
Steven Perrett
A/Deputy Principal, Wellbeing and Engagement
Hospitality News

Fudooka Functions
The first four weeks have been a busy time for the Senior Hospitality classes, in preparation for the Fudooka functions – Welcome High Tea and Farewell BBQ – and is evidence of the teamwork necessary in Hospitality.
The Year 12 Certificate II in Hospitality class have been helping Mrs Hutton prepare the food for the Welcome High Tea that was held on Monday morning and served by the Year 11 students in the dining room. For the Year 11s, this was their first food and beverage service function at school as part of their Certificate course. Two of the Year 12s, Pyper and Veronica, were there to take an active role in supervising the Year 11s and ensuring the function ran smoothly.
Over the first three weeks of this term, the Year 11 Certificate II in Hospitality students have been busy planning the mocktails and decorations for the Assembly Hall. The Year 12 Hospitality Practices class were designing and preparing their trio of treats for dessert for last night’s Farewell BBQ. Yesterday, Ms Miller and her Hospitality Practices Senior crew cooked up a storm, preparing the salads for the BBQ with some dedicated students coming back to serve at the buffet table. Meanwhile, the Year 11 Certificate students spent the day ‘making over’ the Assembly Hall in preparation for the evening function, before making mocktails and completing all of the food and beverage service tasks for the evening.
All of the hospitality students did a marvellous job and ensured that it was a night to remember for the Fudooka students and their host families.
Work Placement at the Burke and Wills
Each of the Certificate II in Hospitality students is required to complete a minimum of twelve complete shifts in a hospitality setting. After a very long standing relationship with the Black family at the Pioneer, we are very happy that the Burke and Wills have come on board this year to take our Year 12 Certificate students for work placement in the Explorers Restaurant at the Motel. Veronica May was our first student to take up this generous offer, completing a shift there last night.
Our sincere thanks to Kingaroy Burke and Wills Motel and their staff.
Lisa Hutton
Hospitality Teacher

Year 11s on the UP and UPP
On Tuesday, 1st August, all Year 11s were invited to participate in the 2023 Year 11 UPP (Unleashing Personal Potential) Leadership Day. Approximately one hundred and twenty students learnt about different types of leadership, and why different types of leaders are needed, and about influence, and how they can influence the people around them, and what effect that has on the world. Students were also invited to contribute to a number of activities that stretched their boundaries on teamwork, initiative, and reflection. On the whole, it was an engaging day for students, and kicks off their formal leadership process to become the Senior leaders in 2024.
Ms Nerissa Maudsley
Year 11 Coordinator

Parent Information Sessions
We will be hosting information sessions for families with students looking to enrol at Kingaroy State High School in 2024. You can REGISTER online for the sessions to receive a handy reminder the day before.

Fudooka Visit
They came, they learnt how to crack a whip and make a pav, they delighted in all sorts of Aussie food, they painted, they danced, they visited the Council Chambers and the Bunya Mountains. Most of all, they smiled. These twenty beautiful exchange students and their teachers worked their way into the hearts of their host families and our school community in one short week, and now they have headed home to Japan.
Fudooka - it was an absolute delight to have you back!! We can't wait until next time.

Health News

Dental Health Week is promoting how the health of the mouth influences the rest of the body, with a range of medical conditions affected by or affecting, oral health. Almost half of the Australian population has one or more chronic diseases and yet 70% of people are not aware of the link between their oral health and chronic medical conditions.
Oral diseases are connected to:
• Type 2 Diabetes
• Adverse pregnancy outcomes
• Heart diseases
• Gut issues
• Lung conditions
• Alzheimer’s disease
Bacteria from severe gum disease can spread through the blood stream, contributing to build up within arteries and other blood vessels and affecting chronic disease. Prioritising good oral hygiene helps improve not only the health of your mouth, but reduces the effects disease within the mouth may have on other chronic conditions.
Four key steps for good oral health:
1. Brush teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste for 2 minutes each time.
2. Clean between your teeth everyday using floss or interdental brushes.
3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and limit added sugar intake.
4. Visit the dentist regularly for check-ups and preventative care.
For more information:https://www.teeth.org.au/dental-health-week
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse

Prime Minister's Spelling Bee

Do you have a great vocabulary? Do you love words and spelling? Why not join the 2023 Spelling Bee.
Our school is registered as a participant in the competition. The online-only competition is open to all students who have not reached the age of 15 on or before February 1, 2023. All entrants must have a signed parent/guardian consent form completed and provided to the teacher responsible for running participation in the Bee at the school. Watch what reigning champion, Theekshitha, has to say about the competition. https://www.facebook.com/kidsnews.com.au/videos/742087330448772/
For more details, contact Mrs Conomos in the school library, email jmega1@eq.edu.au or visit https://www.spelling-bee.com.au/.
Community News