Principal's Message
2024 Senior School Ski Trip EOI

We are offering students in Year 10, 11 and 12 in 2024, the opportunity to express interest in going on the 2024 Ski Trip.
In 2024, to continue to qualify for the trip students need to:
- have a minimum of 90% attendance (if there is an extended illness, the provision of a Doctor’s Certificate is required).
- Complete assessment in ALL subjects to a satisfactory level (on track for QCE or KCE).
- Be working towards completion of vocational courses in an appropriate timeframe.
- Maintain an appropriate standard of behaviour.
The trip will depart on Saturday 21 September and will involve five days of skiing before returning on Saturday 28 September.
Approximate Cost: $1500 (NB cost could be around $100 more or less depending on numbers.)
An “Expression of interest” form has been produced to find out if the trip is viable. To get a copy of the form or to get more information, contact the Trip Coordinator, Mr Don Mengel at Kingaroy State High School on
41 600 666 or dmeng3@eq.edu.au
All Schools Touch Championships

Last week, twenty-six of our students travelled to the Gold Coast to compete in the All Schools Touch Championships. They had the added excitement of playing on Field 1, which meant that three of their games were live streamed on the Qld All Schools website. You can still catch the replays if you missed it https://qldallschools.com.au/livestream-2023/
Their results were as follows:
Open Girls (Finished equal 12th out of 83 teams)
UWCSEA East (Sing.) Kingaroy won 5 - 2
St Ursulas (Yeppoon) Kingaroy won 6 - 2
North Rockhampton SHS Kingaroy won 9 - 1
Chancellor SC Kingaroy lost 7 - 2
St Rita's Coll Kingaroy won 3 - 1
Morayfield SHS Kingaroy won 6 - 0
Somerville House Kingaroy won 2 - 0
Open Boys
Toowoomba Grammar Kingaroy lost 3 - 1
St Laurence's Coll Kingaroy lost 7 - 4
A.B.Paterson Coll Kingaroy won 3 - 2
The Cathedral Coll (Rock) Kingaroy lost 6 - 0
Kirwan SHS Kingaroy lost 5 - 2
Xavier Catholic Kingaroy won 5 – 3
John Bunyoung
Sports Coordinator

From the Student Council

On Wednesday this week, the Student Council met to discuss many things, including the Kingaroy Merit Points reward for this term. Last term, students who consistently displayed Respect, Responsibility and Resilience were rewarded with a Hungry Jack's burger and chips upon receiving 135 KMPs. This term, we have three possibilities for the reward:
Option 1: KFC
Option 2: Red Rooster
Option 3: Tuckshop voucher
At the Student Council meeting, Form Captains were given a form to take to their class, so the class can vote on their favourite option. These forms need to be returned to Student Services via the form folder as soon as possible. The Junior leaders will then count these and the winning option will be announced on parade. Which incentive will the students choose?
Year 12s Learn to Dance!
Year 12 students have been practicing some dances for Formal with Ms Pearce on a Wednesday. For those who would like to practice the dances we have already learned or learn more, there is a regular three hour lesson each Thursday night. Just $7.50 (half price) with your student card.
Not just for students, everyone is welcome to attend.
Hone your skills - or learn new skills ready for Waterhole Rocks Rock'n'Roll Dance Festival 19-22 October at Nanango Showgrounds.

Upcoming Events
For the most up to date information about upcoming events and access to excursion permission forms, check our Website Calendar and follow us on Facebook.

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