Principal's Message
Link and Launch

Well, it is finally here! The last weeks of exam block and official schooling for the Year 12s. It was great to meet with most of the cohort again during the Safer Schoolies event this term, and have one final interaction with them at school. I am sure it is a bittersweet time for both the students and families but also hopefully exciting to see where their futures take them. I am wishing them all the very best of luck with their exams and preparation for the formal and final assembly. I will have some information available at the final graduation assembly in Week 7 for anyone who would like more details of the program. If your young person has not yet registered their interest with Link and Launch for further support after finishing school, it’s not too late! Please follow this link here to submit contact details: https://forms.office.com/r/m9rErJ2d8y
The Link and Launch program is designed to help young people decide what further study, training or employment might be best for them and to assist them in pursuing their chosen pathway if needed. I can assist young people to navigate systems and consider a range of post-school study, training and work options in line with their individual goals, aspirations, skills and strengths. Link and Launch aims to support young people to make independent choices that will equip them to make a successful transition. You can find more information, including previous participants testimonies online here: https://www.wethedifferents.qld.edu.au/link-launch/ Or feel free to contact me (Renee Feather) directly on 0460 010 431 or rfeat6@eq.edu.au for further information.
Renee Feather
Link and Launch Coordinator
Health News

During October, the Polished Man campaign encourages people to actively take a stand, paint one nail blue to spark up important and powerful conversations, and raise awareness to end violence against women and children.
This awareness campaign was run at KSHS during the week with finger nails being painted blue to spark conversation around ending violence.
Less than 1% of men are violent. Out of 1000 men, that is only 10. BUT 95% of all victims of violence experience it at the hands of a male perpetrator.
Everyone should have the chance to live a happy, healthy and safe life. But the reality right now is very different. Sadly, 1 in 2 children experienced violence in the last year and 1 in 3 women will experience violence in their lifetime.
Because violence against women and children mostly happens behind closed doors, it’s something we often don’t talk about, so there can be stigma attached. Painting a nail is about starting to have those difficult conversations, to raise awareness and bring the issue to light so that no woman or child has to live with violence.
If left untreated, the impact of violence can stay with people and deeply affect many aspects of their lives. That one painted nail could be the thing that encourages a survivor to seek help, or feel comfortable opening up about their story to someone they trust.
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