Principal's Message

Middle School News

By the time you read this, Year 10 will have concluded their academic year. Throughout the week, students were rewarded with KCE presentations, an end-of-year trip to Dreamworld, and the possibility of enjoying KFC if they earned sufficient Kingaroy Merit Points.
Year 10 signifies the culmination of compulsory schooling for these students. Some will choose to return, others will enter the workforce, some will pursue further studies, and others may opt for TAFE, Get Set for Work, or YourTown programs. For those who decide to return, a full commitment to their studies and schooling is essential. We wish them the best, understanding that success in school is not a matter of luck but is dependent on our three Rs - Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience.
A special congratulations to Ms Potter, Mrs Fredericks, Mrs Krosch, Mrs Kempson and Ms Stumm for their outstanding efforts throughout the year.
Lastly, I extend my gratitude to this fantastic group of students. They have been an excellent cohort to oversee, and I wish them luck in all their future endeavours.
As for Year 9, they have the opportunity in the last few weeks to visit Bli Bli Water Park, earn Merit Points for a chance to enjoy KFC, and receive KJCE certificates.
Steve Perrett
A/Deputy Principal - Wellbeing and Engagement
Junior School News
Year 7s have undertaken a lot of reflection throughout the year. This week, they wrote themselves a letter to reflect on the year that has been so far. After that, they had a letter they wrote to themselves on Day 2 this year returned to them so they could see how they were feeeling as brand new students.
Amid cries of, "that was cringe" and, "oh, that's so embarrassing" or, "I don't remember that", they were able to talk about how much they have grown, learnt and achieved. Staff noted just how many commented on the importance of making good choices about friends. Now we will file these and return them to the students in November 2028! See some examples in the gallery below.
Helen Maudsley
Deputy Principal -Educational Achievement Junior Secondary

School to Work
Some of our Year 10 students have been completing a School to Work Program this year, which involves three days a week at school, a day at work experience and a day at TAFE. As part of the School to Work Program, students complete a Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways. This Certificate course covers topics such as Workplace Health and Safety, Working with Numbers, Career planning, Digital Technology and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture. Students receive four points towards their QCE, which gives them an excellent start to Year 11 should they choose to return to school rather than enter the workforce.

From the Business Manager
Kingaroy State High School has continued to celebrate numerous successes in 2023. We have also introduced some significant additions and upgrades to our school facilities, with many more planned for 2024 and beyond.
We have made a commitment to annually upgrade one staff space (staffroom), and one student space. This, of course, is dependent on trades and availability. In 2024, the planning includes the upgrade of the H Block staff space and a student space situated between N and A Blocks.
Q Block has recently received new furniture that supports flexible learning environments for our students. According to feedback, both students and staff are thoroughly enjoying the new additions.
In 2023, we introduced QParents, a communication platform that serves as a valuable link between the school and home. Through QParents, you can access attendance details, timetables, report cards, and invoice/payment history. If you are not already using QParents or would like more information, please contact the school.
Thanks to the exceptional work of Gayle Lamping, our Marketing and Events Officer, our Facebook page and website have undergone a revamp and update. These platforms serve as excellent channels for promoting the wonderful happenings at our school. If you haven't already, I encourage you to like our Facebook page to stay updated on our celebrations and news.
As always, if you have any questions regarding the school, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly staff in the office.
Gabby Flanigan
Business Manager
Mobile Phone Policy 2024

Our policy around the use of mobile devices is stated here : https://kingaroyshs.eq.edu.au/SupportAndResources/FormsAndDocuments/Documents/Prospectus%202023.pdf and as an adjunct, the school will take the following position on smart watches (as per the new DoE policy):
“Wearable devices such as smart watches can be worn, however notifications must be switched off so that phone calls, messages and other notifications cannot be sent or received during school hours.”
See the attached FAQ for more details.
Printer Upgrades

This week has seen the installation of twenty-two replacement printers across the school.
There will be several enhancements to the printer network making it faster, more efficient and reducing costs. One such enhancement will be the first machines that will have touch and go chip technology for students and staff. The new Student ID Cards for 2024 will have a chip installed which will allow students to utilise their Student ID Card to collect printing from the iLibrary and one other location (currently G Block subject to change). This will be a trial with the possibility of it being rolled out to other devices later in 2024.
Richard Henderson
Senior Computer Technician

Clontarf Update

The Kingaroy Academy held its 2023 Annual Awards Night with over one hundred and forty students, KSHS staff, parents, and carers in attendance. Special thanks go out to KSHS Principal David Thomson, partners Big W, BCF, and Bunnings, Deputy Mayor Gavin Jones, and Councillor Danita Potter, all of whom attended. A sit-down BBQ was cooked and served by the Barambah Clontarf Crew.
Kingaroy Clontarf had twenty-four boys whose attendance was 90% or better for the year. The other awards recipients are as follows:
- Education: Declan
- Sportsman: Darnell
- Attendance: Tyler
- Trainer: Rowan and Darnell
- Junior Spirit: Paipi
- Senior Spirit: Davonte
- Kingaroy Lion of the Year: Levi

On Tuesday, November 21st, the Australian Catholic University made a visit to Kingaroy State High School and participated in Clontarf training. Under the guidance of Jake Hardiman, Coordinator of the Uni Step Up program, the boys joined the university crew in various activities, including tunnel ball, basketball, and poison ball, with everyone enthusiastically joining in and giving their best effort. Over forty students and university staff were then invited back to the Clontarf room to share a hot breakfast.
Michael Brown
Director, Kingaroy Academy

Health News

Looking for help over the holidays ………………….
Many people struggle over the holidays for various reasons, from financial burden to social pressures. These can all impact our health and wellbeing. But there are also many organisations that are available to assist with providing counselling services either online or over the phone. Below is a list of some of these counselling services that are available free of charge.
Headspace |
1800 RESPECT |
Butterfly Foundation Web Counselling |
Drug & Alcohol Counselling |
Kids Helpline Chat |
MensLine Australia |
Suicide Crisis Text Line |
Lifeline Crisis Chat |
QLife |
Suicide Call Back Service |
If it’s an emergency …
Online counselling is not an emergency service so if you’re in an emergency situation or need immediate assistance, go to your local Emergency Department or call emergency services on 000, or speak with your GP. If you need to speak to someone urgently, call Lifeline 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 or 13HEALTH.
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse
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