Principal's Message
Senior School News

Firstly, I'd like to congratulate all of our graduating Year 12s and wish them the very best in their future endeavours.
To our Year 12s of 2024 - it is a significant step in your academic journey, and it's critical to approach it with a positive mindset and effective strategies. To be successful in Year 12:
- Stay organised
- Implememt effective time management skills
- Seek help when needed
- Maintain a balance between academic and personal life
- Maintain a consistent study routine
Year 10s embarking on Year 11 - this is a significant step up in terms of academic expectations and personal development. Some key advice for Year 11:
- Increased academic rigour - embrace the academic challenges as they are the basis of your future success
- Set goals and manage your time effectively
- Year 11 is a time of growing independence. Take responsibility for your studies and decisions as your choices will shape your post school pathways.
I wish everyone a safe, relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing all students back in 2024, refreshed and ready to achieve their very best.
Ms Leanne Krosch
A/Deputy Principal, Educational Achievement - Senior Secondary
Middle School News

2023 has proven to be a remarkable year for students in Year 9 and 10. Incidents of misbehavior have decreased, and attendance has shown improvement.
In Year 9, Mrs Kempson, Miss Stumm and Mrs Walker proved to be excellent Year Level Coordinators, whose efforts were always far beyond what was expected. Brilliant Engagement HODs, in Ms Radunz and Mrs Woodard, made my job easy with their tireless efforts.
Similarly, the Year 10 cohort received excellent support from Ms Potter, Mrs Fredericks, Mrs Broomhall, and Ms N Maudsley. The rotation of Engagement HODs proved beneficial, with individuals possessing exceptional skill sets supporting your children—namely, Mrs Ferling, Ms Krosch, and Mrs Kempson.
Finally, I extend my gratitude to this fantastic group of students. I sincerely wish them and their families a joyful and safe Christmas.
Mr Steve Perrett
A/Deputy Principal, Wellbeing and Engagement
Phluxus2 Dance Collective Workshops
One of our amazing teachers has applied for funding on behalf of the P&C to support a joint venture of having the Phluxus2 Dance Collective Dance Company run dance workshops at both Kingaroy State
High School and Kingaroy State School. Phluxus2 Dance Collective (phluxus2.com) is an
award winning and boundary bashing Brisbane based dance theatre company founded in
2006. The aim of the project is to introduce students at Kingaroy State School to the basics
of dance and allow Kingaroy High School Students to develop more technical skills within the
area of dance.
The application has been successful and funds were proudly awarded by South Burnett Regional Council and Arts Queensland through their Regional Arts Development Fund.
There will be two artists running two styles of dance workshops on the 7th February 2024 - Contemporary and Hip Hop/Lyrical. Interested students should keep an ear out on notices the first week back at school to secure their spot.

From the P&C
P&Cs Qld is seeking feedback from school parents to help them understand and clarify parent views in relation to the education system and services provided to parents and students by many P&Cs.
The information provided will help to better strengthen their ability to amplify parent voice as they advocate to Governments and Authorities on your behalf.
Completed surveys submitted by 15 December 2023 will go into the draw to win a free Marquee (valued at $1600) for your P&C and a $50 voucher for yourself!
You can complete the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W789CFW
NB: Your personal contact details will only be kept for the purpose of this competition and will never be shared with third parties.
We are also seeking expressions of interest to join our canteen team in 2024
Volunteer and casual positions are available.
Varied roster available between the hours of 7 am to 3 pm, weekdays, during school terms.
This is a unique and rewarding position as part of a not-for-profit service raising funds to continue contributing to programs and improvements at the school.
We are looking for:
- Positive attitude.
- Excellent communication skills.
- Ability to work in a team environment.
- Ability to engage with students with respect and patience.
- Working with Children - Blue Card check prior to commencement.
- Food or barista experience is advantageous (but not necessary).
Email your “Expression of Interest” (EOI) outlining your availability, experience and what you can bring to our canteen in 2024 by Friday, 12th January 2024.
EOI to be emailed to pandc@kingaroyshs.eq.edu.au
If you have any questions, please contact 0447 028 896
Health News

International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations day observed on 3 December each year to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability.
By acknowledging this important day, we can take action to remove barriers for the 4.4 million Australians (or 1 in 5 Queenslanders) with disability and contribute to positive change in our classrooms and our community.
The Disability Discrimination Act legislation that protects Australians against discrimination based on disability provides a broad definition of disability including these eight types:
- Physical disability: Impacts mobility or dexterity
- Intellectual disability: Impacts ability to learn or process information
- Mental illness: Impacts thinking processes
- Sensory disability: Impacts the ability to hear or see
- Neurological disability: Impacts the brain and central nervous system
- Learning disability: Impacts acquisition, organisation, retention, and understanding of information
- Physical disfigurement: Impacts physical appearance
- Immunological disability: Impact due to the presence of organisms causing disease in the body
Here are some thoughts to think about how everyday situations may be managed if you had a disability or live with someone who does.
- How could you know that someone is knocking at your door if you can’t hear?
- How could you answer the phone without speaking?
- How could you know when to cross the road safely without being able to see?
- How might you tell the time without looking at a clock?
- How could you tie your shoelace without using your hands?
- How could you tell when you have poured enough water into a glass without looking?
- How could you warn someone of danger without making a sound?
- How could you play a game of volleyball in the dark?
- How could you read a book without using your hands?
For more information go to https://www.idpwd.com.au/
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse
Link and Launch

School may be finished for the year but Link and Launch is still around for another week! I have appointments available next week so if any recent Year 12 completers need help finding work, training or study, please reach out and book an appointment now. Alternatively, follow this link here to submit contact details so I can give them a call: https://forms.office.com/r/m9rErJ2d8y You can find more information about the program, including previous Link and Launch participants testimonies online here: https://www.wethedifferents.qld.edu.au/link-launch/ Or feel free to contact me (Renee Feather) directly on 0460 010 431 or rfeat6@eq.edu.au for further information.
2023 has been a great year for the Link and Launch program in the South Burnett. I have enjoyed meeting so many recently finished Year 12s and helping them to follow their chosen pathway. From gaining entry into university, working in various local jobs, successfully starting an apprenticeship or traineeship, and gaining many valuable life skills, it has been a pleasure to work with every one of my clients.
And finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and safe holiday period. Thank you to the extended school community for supporting Link and Launch in 2023. I am also taking a break over the Christmas holidays from Friday 15th December, and returning to work on Tuesday January 16th 2024. I look forward to supporting many more school leavers next year and beyond, to find a successful pathway after school.
Renee Feather
Link and Launch Coordinator
Ph: 0460 010 431
Email: rfeat6@eq.edu.au

What's Happening in 2024....

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