2024 Kingaroy Highlights #5
Principal's Message
Senior Schooling

Year 11s and 12s completed their exam block on Thursday 28 March. Year 12s will begin Unit 4 on Monday 15 April, while in Term 2, Year 11s will have four weeks of teaching remaining in Unit 1, before exams in Week 5, with Unit 2 commencing in Week 6.
Year 11 reports will be issued on Friday 19 April, Week 2, Term 2. Year 12 reports for Unit 3 will be issued on Wednesday 1May, Week 4, Term 2.
I wish all students a relaxing break, so they return refreshed and ready for the demands and challenges of Term 2.
Leanne Krosch
A/Deputy Principal, Educational Achievement - Senior Secondary
Wellbeing and Engagement

Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing Survey
In the first four weeks of Term 2, students in Years 7, 9, 10 and 12 will be asked to participate in the The Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing (QEW) Survey.
The survey is designed to measure how state school students view their wellbeing and engagement.
Results from this survey will tell us about students’ levels of wellbeing and engagement. This information will allow us to better support our students and meet their needs.
A letter with more information has been emailed to parents of the relevant year levels.
Criteria for End of Year Trips for Years 7-10
As these trips are intended to celebrate consistent and appropriate standards of attendance, effort and behaviour, a range of criteria related to these three areas apply. Students generally need to meet all criteria to be eligible for an invitation. These criteria are outlined below:
- Attendance rate of 90% - start date will be Week 1, Term 2 (Monday 15 April 2024)
- No more than one suspension throughout the year
- All required assessment submitted by the end of Term 3
- This includes Certificate modules (VET) in Year 10
- School fees should be up to date
- If families are on a payment plan, then that plan will need to be up to date
Year Level Coordinators will be reviewing student progress throughout the year and working with students at risk of not meeting these criteria to ensure as many students as possible have the opportunity to attend.
Excursion costs are kept to a minimum to assist families with affordability. If there are reasons as to why your student may not meet one or more of the above targets, please contact the Year Level Coordinator or Administration Representative for you student’s year level.
Steve Perrett
Deputy Principal, Wellbeing and Engagement
Fudooka Visit

We are happy to announce that our sister school, Fudooka Senior High School in Japan is coming to visit us from 27th July to 2nd August. We have a group of twenty senior high school students and two teachers visiting. They will be participating in a variety of school and community activities in Week 4 of Term 3. It will be a great opportunity for them to mingle with our students and for us to showcase our wonderful school.
Part of this cultural exchange program involves the Japanese students living with a Kingaroy student and their family. This is a great opportunity for them to experience first-hand our way of life and to form life-long friendships. We are looking for families willing to host a Japanese student during this time. All you need to do is provide them with their own room and bring them to school with your child. Blue cards are essential but the school can organise these for you. If you are interested or would like more information, please get in touch with Mrs Anna Vogelaar on avoge7@eq.edu.au.
Health News

Self-care is anything that you enjoy doing and helps to make you happy. Self-care helps to maintain your physical, mental and emotional health. Self-care works best when you have a regular routine when you can do an activity that will help your wellbeing.
The holidays are a great time to start a self-care routine. Self-care doesn’t need to take any longer than 15 minutes, if that is all you can fit into your day.
Self-care can be anything you enjoy, sleeping in, taking a long bath, reading a book, going for a bike ride, just to name a few examples.
Self-care can help you to become more engaged, patient and have positive interactions with others. Often if parents practice self-care activities, children will also develop this positive habit and take it into their adult life.
To find out what type of self-care activities may suit you, try this quiz from reachout.com
For more information go to https://au.reachout.com/
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse

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