2024 Kingaroy Highlights #11
Principals Message
Senior School News

Student Drivers
This is a reminder for those students wishing to or already driving to/from school and transporting other students in their car. To ensure the safety and well-being of all students, the school requires that parents/caregivers must have given appropriate permission for students to be driving a vehicle and who should be passengers in that vehicle. A permission form 'Student Driver and Passenger Permission' should be completed by parents/caregivers of both the student driver and the passenger/s.
The permission form can be collected from the front office or accessed via our website - please complete the form and return to the office.
The following information has been distributed to all Year 12 students and is also relevant to Year 11 students.
We are well into the final unit of work for your Year 12 student. As has been communicated previously, for students to be eligible to participate in co-curricular activities and other school functions, including the School Formal, and to ensure they don’t jeopardize their opportunities at Kingaroy State High School, the following criteria are to be met:
- A minimum of 90% attendance (including medical certificates) over the 2 years of Year 11 and 12;
- Completion of all assessment tasks in ALL subjects for Unit 3 and 4 to the best of the student’s ability;
- No Ns at exit (failure to submit 1 piece of assessment without a draft will result in an N) for General subjects, and no Ns or Es for Applied subjects;
- Completion of vocational courses by Friday 18 October 2024 (end of Week 3 Term 4).
- Completion of the ‘Career Education Program’;
- Completion of the ‘BRAKE Program’;
- Completion of the ‘First Aid Certificate’;
- Be on track to achieve their QCE;
- Demonstrate appropriate behaviour throughout 2024 - two or more suspensions will exclude students from the Formal.
Please encourage your student to attend school every day. If they are absent, it is important for them to provide a medical certificate. Should their absence impact their assessments/exams, they will need to submit an AARA.
Year 12
All Year 12 students completed their First Aid certificate this week, this course not only equips them with essential life-saving skills but earns them some valuable QCE points. Well done Year 12!
Mock Exams will occur for Year 12 students in Week 9 and 10 of Term 3 and Week 1 of Term 4. This provides students an opportunity to prepare for their upcoming external exams.
Year 11
Year 11 students are about to embark on their formal leadership journey at Kingaroy State High School. We have a leadership day on Tuesday 30 July for all Year 11 students. I encourage you to speak to your student about their leadership skills and how they can be leaders not only at school but in the community as well.
I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to Mrs Alysha Walker, who will be joining the Senior Staffing Team. Mrs Walker will be serving as the Head of Department for Senior Schooling, working closely with Ms Krosch. Ms Krosch will now be available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, while Mrs Walker will be the point of contact for any senior schooling questions or concerns on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We have implemented a new program to allow all students to be able to hire a laptop through our school library.
Please see flyer below for more information about this program.
Mr Andrew Maddern
Deputy Principal, Educational Achievement - Senior Secondary

Wellbeing and Engagement

2024 South Burnett Careers Market- Years 10, 11 and 12
The South Burnett Careers Market will be held on Thursday, 25 July at Kingaroy TAFE. It is a great opportunity for students to consider vocational training, tertiary education, and trades and career possibilities. Years 10, 11 and 12 will be attending the career expo. A permission letter has been sent home, signed permission slips need to be returned to your child’s form teacher by Friday, 19 July. Consent can also be granted though QParents. There is no cost for the excursion and all students are expected to attend.
Year 9 School to Work Information Night
A School to Work Information night will be held on Wednesday, 7 August at 6pm, in KPAC. The School to Work Program is an alternative pathway for Year 10 students who would like to transition into the work force with vocational education qualifications and work experience.
A flyer with further details has been given out to Year 9 students.
Year 9 Elevate Program- Better Advice. Better Marks.
Year 9 students will be participating in the Elevate Education Program on Friday morning July 26.
Each year, over 1500 Australian high schools choose Elevate Education for one key reason: each program actually works! Elevate’s study skills seminars are designed to achieve behavioural change amongst students. It isn’t enough that students simply understand what they need to do in their study. The challenge in any study skills program is getting students to use and apply the skills they learn. Elevate gets students using the skills from its seminars by using an integrated process that works.
Mr Steve Perrett
Deputy Principal, Wellbeing and Engagement

Student Council Update

In our latest student council meeting, we focused on strategies to enhance the school's behaviour to create the best learning environments for everyone. We explored various approaches to address these issues and aim to incorporate them into some PBL lessons this term. Additionally, we talked about the upcoming vote in our form classes for the Term 3 KMP reward.
Casey Springhall
Student, Year 11
Clontarf News

17 Years Age Champion- Rowan.
Rowan capped off a remarkable day in the recent KSHS Inter-house Athletics Carnival with a dominant display in all of his events, he will now represent KSHS at the South Burnett Athletic Trials.
Rowan placed 1st in the 100 m & 200m races, 1st in triple jump, long jump & high jump, 2nd in the 400m race & Javelin and 3rd in the 800m race.
Well done Rowan!
Last week, we celebrated NAIDOC Week at KSHS with some of our students engaging in various activities that honoured and showcased Indigenous culture and heritage, including traditional music and dance performances.
To begin our celebration of NAIDOC Week, KSHS held a special flag-raising ceremony at a whole school assembly on Monday 8 July. The KSHS Vocal Group delivered a beautiful performance of the national anthem in the Wakka Wakka language. A special thank you goes to Tricia Alberts for sharing the Wakka Wakka language with our students.
On Thursday 11th July our Indigenous students participated in the Craicchs NAIDOC Week Family Fun Day that was held at Memorial Park, Kingaroy. The students helped with children's activities, performed song and dance, played the digeridoo and conducted a smoking ceremony.

On Friday 12 July, some of the KSHS Indigenous students went to Kingaroy State School to celebrate NAIDOC with the primary students. Our KSHS students performed dancing, singing, smoking ceremony and assisted with a rotation of activities which included:
- face painting,
- rock and boomerang painting,
- taught traditional dance (which the Mayor and Danita Potter got involved with)
- sensory station – turtle shell, emu feathers, kangaroo skin, dead snakes, dingo skull etc
It was a wonderful way to wrap up the NAIDOC Week celebrations!

Health News

Skin Care
Skin is the largest organ of the human body. There are three layers of skin which contain blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles and sweat glands to name a few. It has many functions which include:
- Protecting you against infection
- Cracks and breaks in your skin allows bacteria to get past the protective barrier of the skin and cause infections
- Allowing you to feel things
- heat, cold, touch, pain and vibration.
- Helping to promote good bone health
- by absorbing UV light from the sun and making vitamin D
- being water resistant and protecting you from the weather
- Helping control your body temperature.

With the current cold weather, it is important to look after your skin due to the cold weather drying out your skin.
Tips to keep your skin healthy include:
- Apply moisturiser to your skin regularly as it helps to rehydrate skin
- Apply lip balm regularly as it helps protect lips against cracks from sun, wind and cold
- Wear sunscreen regularly to protect from the harsh sun rays
- Eat a balanced diet
- Remain hydrated
- Manage your stress
- Reduce or quit cigarettes and e-cigarettes
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse

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