2024 Kingaroy Highlights #12
Principal's Message
Senior Schooling

Year 12
Year 12 students are well through Unit 4 and are busy with assessment tasks at the moment. We are moving towards the mock external exam block in Weeks 9 and 10 of this term and Week 1 of Term 4. All students remain at school for this time and leave their classes to sit the mock exams.
The timetable for these exams will be distributed to students shortly.
The purpose of the mock block exam is to provide students with the opportunity of seeing how they manage such an intense period of assessment, with a number of students having 11 exams.
A few hints:
1. Get plenty of sleep - 8 hours minimum
2. Manage part time work commitments - allow time to get your schoolwork and study done
3. Eat well - a good breakfast containing protein
4. Limit caffeine and sugar intake through coffee or high energy drinks
5. Surround yourself with other students who are calm and collected - avoid the student who tends to panic
6. Be organised - calculator, pens/pencils, clear water bottle and ruler etc.
Year 11
Year 11 students are now over halfway through Unit 2. A large amount of assessment is happening at the moment, and we are working towards a large block exam period at the end of this term.
A reminder that students MUST submit final copies of assessment tasks to ensure an 'N' rating is not awarded.
Year 11 students participated in a fantastic day on Tuesday with the UPP leadership team, marking the first stage of the school’s leadership process as they transition to Year 12. All students have had the opportunity of taking a leadership booklet which outlines the processes and timelines in detail, along with the Leadership Certificate form that allows students to be awarded a 2025 Senior badge.
Academic Integrity
Another reminder that all work submitted by students MUST be their own work and appropriately referenced. For more detailed information please refer to the KSHS Assessment Policy 10 to 12 which includes guidelines on Academic Integrity.
The Senior Schooling Team
Mr Andrew Maddern - DP Senior Schooling
Ms Leanne Krosch - HOD Senior Schooling (Mon, Wed, Fri)
Mrs Alysha Walker - HOD Senior Schooling (Tue, Thurs)
Mrs Helen Beresford - DP Inclusion
Mrs Krysty Connelly - Year Level Coordinator
Mr Rob Turner - Academic Coach
Mrs Mel Kempson - Academic Coach
Mrs Robyn Hourn -Senior Schooling Administration
Mr Andrew Maddern
Deputy Principal, Educational Achievement - Senior School
Wellbeing and Engagement

Year 9
School to Work Information Night
A School to Work Information night will be held on Wednesday, 7 August at 6pm, in KPAC. The School to Work Program is an alternative pathway for Year 10 students who would like to transition into the work force with vocational education qualifications and work experience.
A flyer with further details has been given out to Year 9 students.
Elevate Program
On Friday July 26, Year 9 students participated in the Elevate Education Program and thoroughly enjoyed the in -school workshop. The students were provided with practical strategies that they can apply immediately to their studies, helping them become more effective and confident learners.
The Elevate Education study skills seminars are designed to achieve behavioural change amongst students. It isn’t enough that students simply understand what they need to do in their study. The challenge in any study skills program is getting students to use and apply the skills they learn. Elevate gets students using the skills from its seminars by using an integrated process that works. In addition to the in-school workshops, Elevate Education provides resources and follow-up materials for students and parents to support ongoing learning and application of the techniques taught, you can head to their website: https://au.elevateeducation.com/
Work Experience
Term 4, 2024 is an 11-week term. The Year 9 cohort will be participating in work experience in the final week of school.
Work experience provides students with:
- an understanding of the work environment and what employers expect of their workers
- an opportunity to explore possible career options
- increased self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence
- increased motivation to continue study and/or undertake further training
- a better understanding of how the school curriculum can help prepare young people for work
- an introduction to workplace recruitment practices
- enhanced opportunities for part-time and casual employment
- the opportunity to include the employer's work experience evaluation in future job and course applications
- opportunities to develop work-related competencies and acquire skills
- the chance to 'try out' a workplace.
2024 South Burnett Careers Market- Years 10, 11 and 12
The South Burnett Careers Market, held on Thursday, July 25th at Kingaroy TAFE, was a highly successful and informative event. It provided valuable insights and opportunities for all who attended. Impressively, every student submitted their permission slips or provided consent, ensuring full participation. The behaviour and engagement of the students was exemplary, contributing to a positive and educational experience for everyone who attended.
Mr Steve Perrett
Deputy Principal, Wellbeing and Engagement
PBL Focus 'Put Rubbish in the Bin'

The PBL Focus this week was 'Put Rubbish in the Bin' which 7E took quite literally!
For our Form and Life skills lesson we discussed why it is important to keep our school clean, the workplace clean, and spoke about valuing our cleaning staff and groundskeepers by being responsible for cleaning up after ourselves.
We then ventured out to the oval to see how many pieces we could find. Big or small, we collected as much as we could and counted a total of 2750 between U Block and the oval!
Hopefully our school community follows our PBL message and strives to keep a cleaner school community.
Miss Rosie Pyke Form Teacher 7E
2024 School Opinion Survey

The School Opinion Survey is undertaken each year by the Department of Education to obtain opinions about our school from families, school staff and students in target year levels (5, 6, 8 and 11). The surveys will help identify what we are doing well and understand where we can improve. Each school family will have received their survey invitation via email it is titled 'School Opinion Survey for parents and caregivers, 2024'. The survey is anonymous, and the results are not reported in ways that an individual’s response can be identified by the school.
Thank you to all of those families who have already completed the Parent/Caregiver Survey. If you have not had a chance to complete the survey yet, please note that the online surveys will remain open until Friday, 16 August 2024. This is your opportunity to provide feedback about what our school does well and how we can improve. To have your say, check your email for an invitation from the Department of Education titled School Opinion Survey for parents and caregivers, 2024. Can’t find your invitation? If your family has more than one parent/caregiver, check that they haven’t received the invitation and/or check your junk email folder.
Mr Trent Cluff
Deputy Principal - Operations
The Scene Project

Students from Years 8-10 had an exciting and enriching experience last Friday in Toowoomba at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ). They had the opportunity to share their performances with professional actors from the Queensland Theatre Company and interact with students from other schools during the outcome day. The students immersed themselves in the script 'Flowers in Antarctica,' exploring its themes and characters in depth. They also reworked and created their own scenes inspired by the play. After rehearsing at school, the outcome day served as a showcase for their hard work and creativity. The students not only performed their pieces but also enjoyed watching other schools' performances and a professional rendition of the script. Everyone involved had a fantastic time, and the students demonstrated exemplary behaviour throughout the event.
Mrs Wintour & Teacher Basham
Drama Teachers

Relay for Life 'Dinner with the Champions'
Last Saturday evening, a group of our students volunteered at the Relay for Life ‘Dinner with the Champions’ held at the Kingaroy Town Hall. This is a major fundraiser for Cancer Council Qld and our students did a fabulous job efficiently serving three courses to almost 300 guests. Chef Roberta Schablon and the Dinner Committee are very grateful for their assistance. The students should be proud of their efforts in supporting this major community event. Yet another example of KSHS students demonstrating community service!
Mrs Jenny Underwood HOD Technology - Food and Textiles

South Burnett Athletics

SB Athletics was held at Nanango SHS this week – Despite the chilly mornings, students delivered impressive performances throughout the day, achieving excellent results. Emails will be sent out soon to those who have made the South Burnett team for the Wide Bay trials.
Ms Annette Bales
Sports Coordinator

Link and Launch Update

This term, my focus has been on connecting with the current Year 12 students via community and school events. It was lovely to see so many KSHS students stop by and grab some lollipops (and a few even scored some sunglasses!) from me at the TAFE South Burnett Careers Market. It was a wonderful display of opportunities available in the region and further abroad, which I hope inspired many students in their future endeavours.
I have also been visiting the Year 12s during their form classes this term and getting to know them a little better individually. Part of this has been asking the Year 12s to volunteer their contact details to me. This is not compulsory but is a way for me to connect with them after they have graduated and see if they require support.
The Link and Launch program is designed to help young people decide what further study, training or employment might be best for them and to assist them in pursuing their chosen pathway, if needed. I can assist young people to navigate the systems and consider a range of post-school study, training and work options in line with their individual goals, aspirations, skills and strengths.
Link and Launch aims to support young people to make independent choices that will equip them to make a successful transition. You can find more information about Link and Launch, including previous participants’ testimonies online here: https://www.wethedifferents.qld.edu.au/link-launch/. Or feel free to contact me (Renee Feather) directly on 0460 010 431 or rfeat6@eq.edu.au for further information.
Renee Feather
Link and Launch Coordinator

Health News

Bullying No Way
Bullying No Way Week provides an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to bullying prevention. It gives us an opportunity to connect with students, staff and school communities to implement workable solutions to prevent bullying.
The theme for this year's campaign is Everyone belongs. This theme highlights the importance of creating a sense of belonging and inclusion for students. We recognise bullying often thrives in environments where individuals feel marginalised or excluded, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that every student feels valued and respected.
Bullying – important conversations to have with your child
By working collaboratively within our community, we can collectively help reduce bullying.
Parents and carers play an important role in helping your child understand bullying and know how to respond to it.
If your child tells you about things at school, or you observe something in public that involves conflict or bullying, take the opportunity to talk about what bullying is. You can learn more about what defines bullying at bullyingnoway.gov.au.
Questions you could ask:
- What do you think bullying is?
- Have you seen it? How did you feel?
- Who are the adults you would talk to when it comes to things like bullying?
- Have you or your friends left other kids out on purpose? Do you think that was bullying? Why or why not?
- Have you ever tried to help someone who is being bullied? What happened? What would you do if it happens again?
Remind your child that bullying is never okay and discuss how they can respond safely if they experience or witness it.
Encourage them to seek help from a trusted adult and keep seeking support if needed.
By promoting open communication, we empower children to stand up against bullying and create a safer environment where everyone can feel that they belong.
For more information, visit bullyingnoway.gov.au.
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse

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