2024 Kingaroy Highlights #14
Principal's Message
H2GP Team Visit Parliament House

KSHS Staff Award Nominations
Dear Community Members,
We are excited to announce that nominations are now open for our annual Staff Awards! This is your opportunity to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions and achievements of our dedicated staff members.
Our team works tirelessly to provide excellent service, support, and care to our community. Whether it's a teacher who has gone above and beyond to inspire students, a support staff member who consistently demonstrates kindness and efficiency, or any other staff member who has made a positive impact, we want to hear from you!
Nominations can be submitted via the links below.
Your input is invaluable in helping us acknowledge those who have gone above and beyond in their roles.

Teaching staff awards nomination link: https://forms.office.com/r/yZUiqd3BFL or

Support staff awards nomination link: https://forms.office.com/r/7X14bvr7ws or
Senior Schooling

Year 12
Year 12 students are beginning mock exams next week as part of their preparation for external exams. These will run up until Week 2 of Term 4. Students still attend school over this time and will leave their classes when they have an exam to sit.
It has been communicated to all Year 12 students that it is expected that all assessment and VET work must be completed by the end of Week 3, Term 4.
Please remember that all students are expected to submit both a draft and the final version of their assessment task. If the final is not submitted, the teacher will mark the draft. If no draft or final is submitted, an 'N' is awarded for the task and an 'N' is awarded for the subject overall (a QCAA policy).
Year 11
Block exams begin next Friday (6/9/24) and run until Wednesday of Week 1 Term 4 (2/10/24)
As we approach this very busy time, it is appropriate to monitor student part time work hours and/or other commitments that may impact student study time.
As we move towards the end of Unit 2, students will have the opportunity to change subjects for the start of Unit 3, i.e. the beginning of Term 4. A reminder that all assessment from Unit 2 must be completed before changing into a new subject. Students can see Mr Maddern, Ms Krosch or Mrs Walker to discuss subject changes.
Turning Eighteen
A number of students have turned eighteen or will be turning eighteen before they finish school. Our school rules and processes apply to all students at the school, regardless of age. While eighteen-year-olds are classed as adults, communication will still occur with their parents and caregivers and permission for school activities is still required.
Senior Schooling Team
If you have any questions, you can contact a member of the team at any time:
Andrew Maddern - Deputy Principal Educational Achievement - Senior Secondary
Leanne Krosch - Head of Department Senior Schooling
Alysha Walker - Head of Department Senior Schooling
Rob Turner - Head of Department Health and Physical Education
Robyn Hourn - Senior Schooling Administration
Helen Beresford/Cath Glenny - Deputy Principal Culture and Inclusion
Bec Zischke - Guidance Officer
Sean Wicks - Guidance Officer
Krysty Connelly - QCE team member
Mel Kempson - QCE team member
Mr Andrew Maddern
Deputy Principal, Educational Achievement - Senior Secondary
Clontarf News

Kingaroy Clontarf Major Trip to Melbourne.
Seven senior boys, accompanied by two staff members, spent a week in Melbourne as a well-deserved reward for completing Year 12.
We toured the MCG, watched a Melbourne Storm training session, explored the Melbourne Zoo, tackled escape rooms at Adventure Rooms, and wrapped up the week with some shopping.
Rowan was MC for a Partner visit to Reece, where an overhead was put on in front of their office staff.
Some of the boys had never been to Melbourne or flown on a plane before. A great week with great boys.
Michael Brown
Director, Kingaroy Clontarf Academy

Health News

Exam Stress
Young people can feel stressed with upcoming exams and assessments throughout their school years. This can be different for each individual.
Some reasons the young person may be feeling stressed can include:
• Feeling pressure to achieve certain grades.
• Comparing themselves to their peers.
• Fear of failure.
• Feeling overwhelmed with their study load and time management skills
Not all exam stress is bad. A certain level can be helpful and acts as an incentive to prepare and perform well. It can help you to be more focussed, attentive and motivated to study hard and perform well.
Some people experiencing exam stress may encounter:
• Trouble sleeping.
• Feeling sick in the stomach.
• Racing heart rate.
• Headaches.
• Teeth grinding.
• Feeling irritable and /or overwhelmed.
• Withdrawing from family and friends and things that they normally enjoy.

Some ideas to manage exam stress can include:
• Talking to teachers about what the assessment expectations are.
• Make a clear plan of what to study in small tasks and work on one at a time.
• While studying take 5-10 mins break every 30-60 mins and longer breaks every 3-4 hours.
• Eat a well balanced diet – junk food can have a sudden spike of energy that can leave you feeling drained.
• Reward yourself when you achieve your study goals.
• Allow yourself time to rest and try to go to bed at a reasonable time.
• Check in with your friends to see how they are doing with their study and give each other motivation and support.

For more information about exam stress go to any of the below:

This is a friendly reminder to all parents and caregivers to sign up for QParents, our online portal that provides a convenient way to access important student information. Through QParents, you can view report cards, attendance records, and pay school fees. Signing up is quick and easy. If you haven't registered yet, please do so to stay connected with your child's educational progress.
How to Access QParents:
We encourage you to download the QParents App, which is available for download on both iOS and Android devices. Invitations to create an account have been emailed out to families, however if you have not received an invitation, please get in touch with the school on 4160 0666 or enquiries@kingaroyshs.eq.edu.au.
We are confident that the transition to Qparents will streamline the report card distribution process and provide a more efficient means of communication. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please don't hesitate to contact the school administration for clarification.

School Fees
This is a friendly reminder that school fees were due on 28 July. If you have outstanding fees, we kindly ask that you arrange to pay them as soon as possible.
For families who may need some flexibility, a payment plan can be set up to help manage the fees. Please contact our Accounts Officer, on 4160 0666, who will be more than happy to assist you with this process.
Please note that students in Year 11 with outstanding fees will not be able to order a Senior jersey, and students in Year 12 will not be able to attend the formal if fees remain unpaid.
Payments can be made through the QParents app, by direct deposit, or in person at the school office.
P & C News

The P & C are currently seeking a secretary for the P & C. The secretary is responsible for handling the administrative tasks necessary for the efficient operation of the P & C, particularly with regard to meetings and managing incoming and outgoing correspondence. For more detailed information about the role, please visit: https://www.pandcsqld.com.au/the-info-place/role-of-the-pc-president-treasurer-secretary/secretary/.
I would like to extend my congratulations to Mrs Sue Dowideit-Reiger on her appointment as Vice President. Additionally, a huge thank you goes to Mrs Gayle Lamping who has been assisting us in this role since the beginning of the year, and to Miss Ngareta Day for her secretarial contributions. We are expectantly looking forward to a date that our new canteen will be commenced. And currently looking at our Canteen Menu and prices.
P & C Executive Team
President: Lois Blanch
Vice President: Sue Dowideit-Reiger
Treasurer: Kathryn Stevens
Secretary: Caitlin Penfold (temporary)
If you have any items for the agenda at our meetings, please email to PandC@kingaroyshs.eq.edu.au or ring/message me on 0427769376 at least 24hrs prior to the meeting.
Meetings are 6pm on 4th Tuesday of the month except in school holidays – Next meeting October 22nd 2024
Lois Blanch
P & C President
Offers to Purchase - 1850L Frigrite Milk Vat
We invite offers to purchase a used 1850L Frigrite milk vat, as shown in the attached photographs.
- Offers are to be in writing, in a sealed envelope marked 'Confidential - offer for Milk Vat' and handed to the front office of Kingaroy State High School (Toomey Street entrance).
- Tenderers must disclose any interests of links with departmental employees.
- Inspections welcome by appointment - please contact 4160 0666 to arrange
- Item is offered on an 'as is' basis
- Delivery charges are to be borne by buyer
- No warranties are given
- The department reserves the right not to accept the tender
- Tenders close at 4pm Wednesday 11 September

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