2024 Kingaroy Highlights #16
Principal's Message

Senior Schooling News

Congratulations to all the students who received awards at Speech Night last night! Your achievements are a testament to the hard work and dedication you've put into your studies and service to the school community. Well done!
Year 12
Students were emailed a copy of the block exam timetable for 2024 with the rooms. They were also sent the directions for students and approved equipment list, so that they can be fully prepared for their upcoming external exams.
When the External Exam period starts, teachers of General subjects will be accessible to students, in person or via email during their current timetabled lesson time until the day of their external exam. I strongly encourage student to access their teacher for revision and tutoring up until their exam.
Students are also working hard on finalising assessment in their Applied subjects and finishing their VET certificates.
Year 11
Students have started working on Unit 3, which is the beginning of their summative assessment. There is no opportunity to change subjects as Unit 3 and 4 are considered a pair. Students will need to good study practices in place to be able to achieve their best. Unit 3 assessment dates will be out soon so that students can plan their study time effectively.
Congratulations to all the students who have participated in the school leadership process, you have all exemplified our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. Well done!
Mr Andrew Maddern
Deputy Principal, Educational Achievement - Senior Secondary
Wellbeing and Engagement

Year 9 Work Experience
Year 9 students have been given Work Experience Packages in preparation for Work Experience at the end of this term, Week 11. Students who have not collected a package can source one from their form teachers. Please encourage your child to partake in this worthwhile opportunity.
Friday November 15 is the deadline for the school to receive both the Permission Slip and Work Experience Placements for School Students Agreement.
Year 9 Australian Catholic University
ACU students will be presenting half day workshops for our Year 9s, November 20, on Exercise Science. Activities include GPS, Sprint Times, Reaction Times, Isometric Hamstring Test, Power Related Tests and Motor Control Activities. Their visits in the past have been exceptionally rewarding for students. Details of the program are yet to be finalised.
Year 10 Uni Roadshow
Our students were absolutely brilliant on Wednesday with their participation in the Uni Roadshow. The Roadshow Team commented before and after their visit that we are their favourite school. They said our students’ respect, attitude and involvement was far better than any other school they visit in Queensland.
Except for a few rockets ending up on the roof it was a very successful day!
Students enjoyed learning about Robotics, Exercise Science, Education, Law, Engineering/Rockets, Pharmacy and Occupational Therapy.
End of Year Trips Criteria
Criteria for the Rewards Trips has been well advertised, and are dependent on student attendance, effort and behaviour.
- Attendance rate of 90% - start date was Week 1, Term 2 (Monday 15 April 2024)
- No more than one suspension throughout the year
- All required assessment submitted by the end of Term 3
- This includes Certificate modules (VET) in Year 10
- School fees should be up to date
- If families are on a payment plan, then that plan will need to be up to date
Mr Steve Perrett
Deputy Principal Wellbeing and Engagement

2024 QLD State Cross Country Mountain Bike Championships
Well done to our students who competed in last weekend's AusCycling Mountain Bike State Championships, held in the South Burnett at Gordonbrook Dam.
Saturday's race featured the shorter XCC event, where Year 10 student Amy earned a silver medal in the Under 17 Girls category, and Year 8 student Soren secured a bronze in the Under 15 Girls.
On Sunday, during the longer XCC event, Year 7 student Harrison finished impressively in 5th place in the Under 13 Boys category. Year 10 student Heath fought hard to remain in the top 10 of the highly competitive Under 17 Boys, while Amy and Soren each received silver medals again. Our students were outstanding, riding exceptionally well on a technical and challenging track in very hot weather.

World Smile Day
The idea for World Smile Day originated from the smiley face, which was created in 1963, being the most recognisable symbol of good will and cheer. World Smile Day is a day to devote to smiles and kind acts throughout the world.
World Smile Day can be celebrated by a single individual without any attention or fanfare by simply doing an act of kindness and helping one person smile.
Smiling can have several health benefits including:
😊Lifting your mood
😊Lowering stress
😊Boosting your immune system
😊Reducing anxiety
😊Improving relationships
😊Releasing endorphins
😊Alleviating stress
😊Lowering your blood pressure
World Smile Day will be encouraged at KSHS during Week 3 at a lunch break with the Kindness Cart and Tea & Talk for the students and staff to enjoy.
Below is a song about World Smile Day which might help to “give a little giggle, grin a little grin” and help you to smile.
For more information go to:
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse

Stanwell Scholarship Opportunities
The Russell Vorpagel Engineering (Mechanical & Electrical) Scholarship and Cid Burke Scholarships (Health, Safety & Environment) are both now open for applications.
Applications Close: 11.55pm, 1st November 2024.
What does the Russell Vorpagel Engineering Scholarship cover?
These scholarships are for a Mechanical and Electrical Engineering student to assist with living and studying away from the region.
The scholarship program includes:
- $10,000 per annum (paid in 2 x $5,000 payments) for up to 4 years
- A mentoring program
- Vacation work opportunities
- Possible direct appointment into the Stanwell Corporation Graduate program at the end of your study
What does the Cid Burke Scholarship cover?
These scholarships are for students studying Health, Safety and Environment (or similar) to assist with this struggle of living and studying away from the region.
The scholarship program includes:
- $5,000 per annum (paid in 2 x $2,500 payments) for up to 4 years
- A mentoring program
- Vacation work opportunities
- Possible direct appointment into the Stanwell Corporation Graduate program at the end of your study
Job Details - Cid Burke Scholarship (Half Scholarship) - Stanwell Corporation (pageuppeople.com)

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