2024 Kingaroy Highlights #19
Principal's Message
Wellbeing and Engagement
Australian Catholic University
Year 9 students recently enjoyed a visit from the Australian Catholic University (ACU). ACU staff led them through a range of engaging activities focused on Exercise Science, making it a fabulous day. Information about the Uni Step Up program is included in this newsletter. This program offers our students an opportunity to study Exercise Science in Year 11.
Semester 2 – Japanese
Congratulations to Chayse and Jasmine from Year 9, who have received High Achievement Awards in Distance Education Japanese. This is a fantastic accomplishment and a testament to their hard work and dedication.
End-of-Year Trips
At the time of publishing this newsletter, the Year 10 students will be enjoying their End-of-Year Trip to Dreamworld. It promises to be a fantastic day, reflecting the exemplary behaviour these students have demonstrated throughout the year.
For Year 9 students, the End-of-Year Trip will take place at the Bli Bli Water Park, which is sure to be an exciting and memorable experience.
Work Experience
Work Experience placements are currently being finalised by the school. A reminder to families that there will be no Year 9 classes during Week 11.
Mr Steve Perrett
Deputy Principal, Wellbeing and Engagement
Junior Visual Arts
In Year 8 Art, students have been creating watercolour artworks of fearsome fantastical beasts! Each student has chosen two animals and combined their features to create a curious critter. By using different watercolour techniques, the creatures have come alive in their final watercolour artwork.
In Year 9 Art, students have been hard at work planning and skilfully painting a skate deck design inspired by their own personal interests. Students have used a broad range of inspiration such as mythical creatures, Japanese culture, the Day of the Dead, family, nature, trucks and the ocean.
Exciting Canteen Renovation Update!
We’re excited to announce that our canteen is set to undergo a much-anticipated renovation! To allow for this exciting transformation, the canteen will be closing at the end of Week 9 and will remain closed for the final two weeks of the school year.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support, and we can’t wait to welcome you back to our fabulous new facility soon!
Internet Safety
The department is responsible for keeping students safe while they use the internet at school and on school devices. Education Queensland use a system called Symantec WebFilter to block inappropriate or harmful content. This system categorises websites to decide which ones students can access.
If a website is deemed inappropriate, illegal, or dangerous, it will be blocked. Students can ask their teachers to review any website they think should be evaluated.
When students use school devices at home, they will still have similar internet filtering as at school. Parents can ask the school to lower the filtering level on their child's device, but they need to understand the risks of doing so.
It's important for parents to know that while these filtering systems help, they aren't perfect. Parents should still supervise their children when they are online, no matter what device they are using.
Additionally, using a VPN on school devices is considered unsafe and goes against the student code of conduct. VPNs can bypass the filtering systems in place, exposing students to inappropriate content and potential risks. It's crucial for students to follow these guidelines to ensure a safe online environment.
Ms Caitlin Penfold
Digital Innovation Teacher
QParents - Have you signed up?
Starting next year, excursion forms will be sent out electronically through QParents! No more paper notes to fill in or worry about getting lost in the school bag. This fantastic online portal also makes it easy to pay invoices quickly and securely.
QParents is your one-stop shop for accessing important student information. Through QParents, you can:
- View report cards
- Check attendance records
- Pay school fees
- Submit and receive excursion forms
- View your student's assessment planner
- Update your personal details
How to Access QParents:
We encourage all parents and caregivers to download the QParents App, available on both iOS and Android devices. Invitations to create an account have been emailed to families. If you haven’t received yours, please contact us on 4160 0666 or at enquiries@kingaroyshs.eq.edu.au.
The transition to QParents is designed to streamline processes and make communication with the school easier and more efficient. If you haven’t signed up yet, now is the perfect time to register and stay connected with your child’s educational journey.
Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the school administration. Thank you for embracing this modern, paperless approach to staying informed and engaged!
Health News
To assist your health and wellbeing as the end of the year fast approaches, a few simple things can help you keep your sleep, eating and exercise on track.
When you sleep, your body goes through different processes that promote physical and emotional health and mental restoration. The amount of sleep required for each person can change as they go through different stages of their life. As a guide the following ages require the following amount of sleep:
- Age 3 to 5: 10-13 hours (including naps)
- Age 6 to 12: 9-11 hours
- Age 13 to 18: 8-10 hours
- Age 18+: 7-9 hours
Many adolescents are getting less than the recommended amount of sleep. To improve sleep, try:
- Obey your body clock
- Get up the same time everyday
- Go to bed when tired
- Get exposure to early morning sunshine
- Improve sleeping environment
- Ensure room temperature is right for you, and dark enough
- Don’t use your bed as a loungeroom i.e., watching TV, talking on phone etc.
- Avoid substances that are a stimulant at least 4 hours prior to bed – caffeine, nicotine
- Relax you mind
- Schedule half hour of ‘worry time’ well before bed if you are a chronic bedtime worrier
- Try relaxation and meditation exercises – consciously relax every part of your body starting at your toes and working up.
- Leave devices out of bedrooms and reduce use of screens during the day
It is easy to get out of routine at the end of the year due to all the family and friends catch ups usually while eating and drinking. A few tips to help with this include:
- Keep up daily healthy eating habits
- Avoid going to social occasions hungry
- Choose small amounts of party foods and enjoy them
- Stand further away from the food and listen to your stomach.
Regular exercise can improve our mental health and emotional wellbeing, and lower rate of mental illness. Exercise can boost our mood, concentration and alertness as well as improving our cardiovascular and overall physical health. Any exercise is better than none. Some tips to get your body moving include:
- Walk with a friend, family member or your dog.
- Walk while talking on the phone.
- Try a quick workout available on Youtube.
- Join a gym and ride an exercise bike or go for a walk on the treadmill while watching a TV show.
- Park a little farther away to get a few more steps in for the day.
- Throw or kick a ball around with a friend, family member or a pet.
Good sleep, eating and exercise habits will help improve your general wellbeing. For more information go to:
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse