2025 Kingaroy Highlights #3
Principal's Message
Senior School
Wellbeing and Engagement
Year 7 Update
Lions Youth of the Year
Senior Geography Fieldwork at the Bunya Mountains
Hospitality News
NAPLAN 12-24 March
From the P&C
TAFE Trade Taster
QUT Supports Our Students!
From the School Nurse
Upcoming Events
Community News
Principal's Message
Hello everyone, David Thomson, the proud principal of Kingaroy State High School.
Welcome to another Kingaroy Highlights!
We continue our facility upgrades and our tour of the school in this edition of Kingaroy Highlights.
We have just refurbished our G Block staff room. The G Block staff room was the same from approximately the 1980s, so we needed to do a little bit of refurbishing to provide professional spaces for our teaching staff. This will be our Science teaching staff room in the G Block area. We've had it refurbed, and now it will seat 11 teaching staff and include a dedicated Head of Department office.
As part of our commitment to improving the facilities here at Kingaroy State High School, this follows on from:
✅ Our Assembly Hall upgrade
✅ Our Library upgrade
✅ Our Canteen upgrade – which is about halfway finished! By Term 2, we will have a brand-new canteen space, which is very exciting.
We also continue to work on improving our sporting facilities, adding more court space for our students, as well as beautifying our school grounds. Our goal is to enhance our teaching spaces, learning spaces, staff spaces, and sporting spaces.
On top of this, we have our $1.5 million upgrade of our Agricultural Sciences and Agricultural Practices area, which is incredibly exciting.
These new facilities will help our students learn and grow here at Kingaroy State High School!
Senior School

Block Exams
Year 11 and 12 will have Block Exams at the end of this term. Year 11 exams will run from Monday 31 March to Friday 4 April, and Year 12 exams from Wednesday 2 April to Friday 4 April. We are planning to have the exam timetable out in Week 8.
Absence during an exam
If your Year 11 or 12 student is ill during the exam block, please complete the following steps:
- Contact the school office before the exam
- Arrange for the completion of the Illness and Misadventure document by a medical professional (please let your doctor know you are a Senior student at KSHS and require documentation completed). Please note that “Unfit for Duty” is not enough. These documents are on the school website under the Senior School tab in Curriculum.
A reminder that absences of the student/parent/caregiver's own choosing, e.g., family holiday do not qualify for an AARA.
Year 12 First Aid Course
Early next term, all Year 12 students will complete the practical component of the First Aid and CPR course. Students have forms to complete and return by next week so that they are ready to complete the online component of this course.
Get organised
Organising yourself and your study space will make it easier to finish your tasks on time and not feel overwhelmed.
Organise yourself
- Create a study space that is free of distractions and has everything within reach.
- Keep a calendar on your wall and list the dates of your assessments.
- Get into a routine and set aside blocks of study time each day.
- Build 'free' time into each day for something you enjoy.
- Take regular breaks and move around to keep your mind and body healthy.
- Limit distractions such as social media.
- Allocate time each week to catch up with friends and family.
Organise your work
- Understand the correct way to approach assessment and maintain good academic habits.
- Look at the components of each task and how long they might take.
- Make a plan and allow for unexpected events such as technology issues (they will always happen!) or changes in personal circumstances.
- Divide each assessment task into smaller 30-minute tasks (essay plan, essay introduction, essay body, etc.) and slot these into your calendar.
Mr Andrew Maddern
A/Deputy Principal, Educational Achievement - Senior Secondary
Wellbeing and Engagement

School Photos
The students were fantastic on the day. If you have any concerns, please contact MSP admin.brisbane@msp.com.au or phone 07 3865 4291.
Kingaroy Merit Points
The majority of students appear well on the way to achieving 135 Kingaroy Merit Points by Week 9, to receive a pizza party in Week 10. Kingaroy SHS continues to reward positive behaviours through PBL Rewards.
End of Year Trips (Junior Grades)
As these trips are intended to celebrate consistent and appropriate standards of attendance, effort and behaviour, a range of criteria related to these three areas apply. Students generally need to meet all criteria to be eligible for an invitation. These criteria are outlined below:
- Attendance rate of 90%
- No more than one suspension throughout the year
- All required assessment submitted by the end of Term 3
- This includes Certificate modules (VET) in Year 10
- School fees should be up to date
- If families are on a payment plan, then that plan will need to be up to date
Year Level Coordinators will be reviewing student progress throughout the year and working with students at risk of not meeting these criteria to ensure as many students as possible have the opportunity to attend.
Excursion costs are kept to a minimum to assist families with affordability. If there are reasons as to why your student may not meet one or more of the above targets, please contact the Year Level Coordinator or Administration Representative for you student’s year level.
PBL Message Week 6- Respect Starts With You
Imagine a school where everyone feels safe, valued, and ready to succeed. A place where we lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. That kind of environment starts with one simple but powerful thing—respect.
Respect isn’t just about saying “please” and “thank you.” It’s about how we treat ourselves, our classmates, our teachers, and our learning. Respecting yourself means coming to school ready to learn—being prepared, staying focused, and giving your best effort. Respecting others means listening when someone speaks, being kind even when you disagree, and creating a space where everyone feels supported.
Think about the choices you make every day. A little patience, a little understanding, and a little effort can change someone’s day—and even your own future.
So today, I challenge you—respect yourself by being ready to learn, and respect others by treating them with kindness. Because when we respect each other, we all grow, we all succeed, and we all win.
Mr Steve Perrett
Deputy Principal, Wellbeing and Engagement

2025 School Invoices
Invoices for 2025 school fees are now being sent out. Payments can be made via QParents, QKR, BPoint, or in person at the school office.
If you have not received your invoice by the end of Week 7, please contact the school to ensure we have your correct email address.
Year 7 Update

Weeks 5 and 6 have been busy and engaging for our Year 7s!
We continued with our weekly activities, giving students the chance to build skills, connect with peers, and have some fun. A highlight was Constable Henderson’s visit, where he delivered an important session on internet safety, helping students understand how to navigate the online world responsibly.
Our Year 7s also showcased their talents beyond the classroom, with some competing in the chess competition and others actively participating in a range of extracurricular activities. It's been fantastic to see so many students getting involved and making the most of these opportunities!
Mr Dan Rujak
Year Level Coordinator

Lions Youth of the Year

All of the Year 12 School Captains and Committee Chairs for 2025 participated in the Kingaroy round of the Lions Youth of the Year competition last week.
On Tuesday 25 February Ryder Monteith, Tasleigh Gangemi, Rory Crumpton, Emma Lindholm, Talleah Smith, Olivia Dyer, Ellenor Andersson, Harry Johnson, Charlotte Glenny, Justine Evangelista and Amelia McCarthy were involved in a formal interview process with the three judges about their schooling as well as their involvement in activities both inside and outside school.
At the Kingaroy Lions club meeting on the evening of Wednesday 26 February, the students were required to respond to two impromptu questions and then present a five-minute prepared speech on a topic of their choice.
All of our student leaders presented excellent prepared speeches on a variety of current issues and were enthusiastic and knowledgeable participants in the impromptu section, which is a very challenging skill.
The students all recognised the benefits of participating in a public speaking competition, as well as in an interview process which will prepare them well for their future careers.
Two awards were given on the night, with both being awarded to Kingaroy SHS students. Talleah Smith was a worthy recipient of the public speaking award, given to the student who performed the best across the two speaking disciplines.
Congratulations to Tasleigh Gangemi, who was announced as the overall winner of the competition. Tasleigh will now move on to the district round of the competition which will be held in Kingaroy on Saturday 8 March.
All of our students were magnificent ambassadors for Kingaroy State High School, and they should all be extremely proud of their efforts.
Paul Hutton
Head Of Department English and LOTE

Senior Geography Fieldwork at the Bunya Mountains

Last Thursday, our Senior Geography class ventured to the Bunya Mountains to explore the unique ecosystem of the Grassy Balds. As part of their IA2 assessment, students will be completing a report on invasive weeds and land cover change, using insights gathered during the excursion.
Behaviour and fieldwork skills were outstanding from all students—even Miss Pyke! Well done to everyone for making it a successful and productive day in the field.

Hospitality News

Senior students volunteered at the Coolabunia Reef & Beef on 22nd February. Eleven students assisted the Coolabunia P&C with various tasks, including selling raffle tickets, serving cheeseboards to tables on arrival, working behind the bar and buffet table during service, and clearing tables. The students represented Kingaroy State High School to a high standard, and their involvement was greatly appreciated by the Coolabunia school community.
This is the second year that Hospitality students have volunteered; however, this year they were joined by other Year 11 students who used the hours towards their Volunteering Certificate.
Last Friday, the Year 11 Certificate II students spent a lesson at the Kingaroy RSL with supervisor Cindal. Cindal kindly gave the students a tour of the bar area, explaining responsible service of alcohol procedures and demonstrating how to tap a beer keg. We are immensely grateful to the RSL for their long-term support of our Hospitality program, and soon, some of our students will begin work placement shifts behind the bar.
This week, the Year 12 Certificate II students held their first two-course training restaurant, with staff and Kingaroy QCWA members as patrons. Students were busy making espresso coffees, and throughout the semester, they will continue refining their plate carrying and clearing skills at future lunches.
Mrs Lisa Hutton
Hospitality Teacher

Don't forget to book in your parent teacher interviews for next Monday 10 March.
Emails have been sent to parents if a teacher has specifically requested an interview. However, all parents are welcome to book an appointment with their child's teachers to discuss progress.
Bookings can be made via the School Online Booking System (SOBS): https://eq.sobs.com.au/pt3/parent.php?schoolid=70295
If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
NAPLAN 12-24 March
This March, students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 will take part in NAPLAN testing. NAPLAN assesses the skills of all students in reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and numeracy.
NAPLAN tests help you to understand how your child is progressing in the fundamental skills of literacy and numeracy. NAPLAN is also an important tool in helping us to identify how our education programs are working and what needs to improve.
You might hear your child talking about NAPLAN.
When your child comes home from school, they might mention NAPLAN. They might talk about NAPLAN activities they have done in class, including practice tests.
Students don’t need to practise for NAPLAN. But we do want your child to be familiar with:
- the online test environment
- the device they’ll use during the test
- the different kinds of questions, how they use their time and how they check their work.
So when your child talks about practice tests, they’re talking about resources like the NAPLAN public demonstration site. This site helps students to become familiar with the different kinds of questions they will see in a real NAPLAN test.
Your child’s welfare is the most important thing.
We do these activities to help your child feel safe, confident and capable. They will know what to expect and what they have to do. Students do not need to stress about NAPLAN. It’s just one part of their school program, and we simply encourage students to do the best they can.
NAPLAN is for everyone.
Across the country, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in NAPLAN. The online tests have many features to enhance the test experience for students with and without disability. We also provide adjustments and alternative test formats to allow students with disability to access the tests and show what they know and can do. Talk to us if you need more information.
Have a go at the test yourself and contact us if you need to know more.
See what NAPLAN will be like for your child by visiting the public demonstration site. Find out more by visiting the department’s NAPLAN page for parents and carers.
ACARA’s student privacy notice on the collection of student information for NAPLAN is also available.
If you have any other questions about NAPLAN, please contact the school on 4160 0666.
We are excited that your child gets the chance to show their learning in NAPLAN this year.


The Year 7 Clontarf camp took place over two days at the Murgon Clontarf Academy.
On Thursday morning, we traveled to the Cherbourg Ration Shed, a place rich in history and culture. The stories shared were powerful, sometimes heartbreaking, offering valuable insights into the past. From there, we visited Boat Mountain, where we took in the stunning views of the Seven Sisters mountains.
After lunch, we returned to the Murgon Clontarf room, where the boys learned practical skills, including setting up gazebos and rolling out and packing away sleeping swags. Later, we walked to the local pool, where a red rocket was set up for them. The afternoon also included important discussions about expectations and standards.
On Friday morning, we headed to the Bli Bli Water Park, where the boys had a fantastic time tackling water obstacles and putting their teamwork and resilience to the test. We arrived back at school by 3:05 pm, wrapping up an unforgettable experience.
A fantastic few days focused on shaping young boys into young men!
Michael Brown
Director Kingaroy Clontarf

From the P&C

Dear Parents, Staff, and Students,
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your ongoing support of the KSHS Tuckshop this year.
While construction continues on our new canteen, we have been operating from a temporary facility with a limited menu. We truly appreciate your patience and the kind words of encouragement as we navigate this transition.
You may have noticed an increase in the price of some menu items. As you are aware, the cost of groceries has risen significantly, and with most parents now working, we have had to rely more on paid staff to keep the tuckshop running. Prices had remained unchanged for many years, and this adjustment was necessary to ensure the long-term sustainability of our service.
Despite these challenges, our team remains committed to providing an efficient and affordable tuckshop for students and staff.
We look forward to announcing the opening date of our new canteen soon. Until then, thank you for your continued patience and support.
The KSHS P&C Executive
TAFE Trade Taster
We are excited to share the launch of TAFE's 2025 Year 10 Taster Programs across the South-West region. This program allows eligible high school students in Year 10 to try out an industry area without needing to commit to a full qualification or apprenticeship.
Year 10 Taster Programs on offer in 2025 at Kingaroy:
- Skills Taster - Agriculture
- Trade Taster Program (Including General Construction Induction Training Card)
Applications open at 9am on Friday 14 March 2025 and will close once the allocation is exhausted.

QUT Supports Our Students!

Our application for transport funding for the QUT Moot Court visit in July has been successful! QUT has generously provided $1,100, helping to significantly reduce costs for our Year 11 and 12 students to participate in this invaluable Legal Studies experience.
A huge thank you to QUT for their support, and a shoutout to Ms Nerissa Maudsley for applying for the funding!
From the School Nurse

Nourishing Lunchboxes
National Lunchbox week (9-15 February) is an annual reminder aiming to inspire Australian families to create enjoyable and nourishing lunchboxes. Enjoyable and pressure free lunchbox experiences support children’s wellbeing and helps build a positive relationship with food.
Making good food choices and getting good nutrition is essential for healthy growth and development. Good food habits are formed during school years. A balanced and varied diet helps to:
- Promote health and wellbeing.
- Meet nutrient requirements.
- Protect against the development of chronic disease such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease and cancer.
- Improve concentration.
- Fuels the body.
With our busy lifestyles, some easy and practical tips are appreciated, like the nourishing grab and go foods shown in the attached image.

To create a healthy and nutritious sandwich try following these tips:
- Choose wholemeal, wholegrain or high-fibre bread, wraps or rolls to provide long-lasting energy and essential nutrients.
- Boost flavour and nutrients with these healthier spreads:
- Avocado
- Hummus
- Tzatziki
- Cottage cheese
- Reduced fat cream cheese or mayonnaise
- Include a source of protein to keep full and energized:
- Barbecue chicken (skin removed)
- Leftover meats like grilled chicken, meat patties or roast beef
- Turkey, boiled egg, canned tuna or salmon
- Tofu, falafel, mashed chickpeas or cheese
- For extra crunch, fibre, and vitamins, pack your sandwich with:
- Lettuce, spinach, grated carrot or cucumber
- Tomato – pack it on the side so your sandwich doesn’t go soggy.
For more tips about lunchboxes, go to:
Selena Stevens
School Based Youth Health Nurse

Upcoming Events

Community News