Term 3 | Issue 5
Principal's Report
There have been so many highlights over the last few weeks at KSHS
- Great success at the Hoof and Hook competition
- The wonderful Teacher vs Year 12 sports competition. Final result Teachers 4 - Students 1. Well done to all involved
- Hospitality students completing competency work in their Cert II Hospitality at Utopia Café
- R U Ok Day hosted at school last Thursday
- Year 11 exam block which concludes the Year 11 units 1 and 2
- Year 12 mock block exams preparing the student for the upcoming external exams in Term 4
- The KSHS Clontarf being represented by Billy Little at the Weipa Rugby League Competition
We are so proud of our students and their wonderful achievements. What opportunities students have at Kingaroy State High School!
- BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Project. The introduction of a leased computer that is supported by the school and may be purchased over the course of three years. The anticipated cost will be approximately $200-$250/year for three years for the students to secure a device that will have all of the required software/warranty etc. Watch for further newsletters, emails and Facebook updates for upcoming parent information sessions in Term 4.
- Library Refurb Project – an action team will be working on a total refurb of the library space for the start of 2023
- The Launch of the KSHS Signature Programs for 2023 in Creative Industries, Health and Performance, Community and Academic Excellence.
- The New Signs will be turned on and ready to display information to our community
- Excellence at KSHS will be celebrated at the school’s upcoming Speech Nights on October 17 and 19
- Further parent surveys and information regarding 2023 will be conducted
- The Year 12 Formal will help celebrate the end of 13 years of schooling
- The Year 10 End of Year Activity for students with an attendance of greater than 90% will be conducted
So many highlights this year and so many yet to come.
As part of the focus on resilience via activating partners, students and staff wellbeing and inclusion KSHS have partnered with schoolzine to make available Parent TV as a way of working with families and carers to help build resilience in our young people in our care.
This week's topic – Parenting on the page as your partner

Happy Learning,
David Thomson
Farewell Mr Sullivan and Mrs Gray
Today we farewell our long standing Maths HOD, Mr Paul Sullivan as he heads off on some well earned leave. We want to take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge his contribution to the new Senior Schooling system and to KSHS in general. Paul currently holds 3 positions with the QCAA…..those are; Lead Endorser, Chief Confirmer and as a Subject Matter Expert. His expertise in this field is second to none but also his commitment and passion to the new system and the teaching of Biology is state renowned. By Paul being a part of our KSHS team it has instilled a confidence and surety within our community…. Something that very few schools can boast about! Thank you Paul, and all the very best for a very well earned break.
Today we also say farewell to Mrs Nicole Gray. Nicole joined us here at the beginning of Term 3, just a short 10 weeks ago, to fill Mr Lloyd Fairbairn's position as Deputy Principal of Junior Secondary while he is on leave. In that short time, Nicole has had a profound impact on the lives and education of our junior secondary students as well as leading Year 6 to 7 transition activities and events. Nicole has been such an integral part of our school community and we are sad to see her go but wish her all the best in her future endevours and have no doubt she's going on to do great things.

Clontarf News
Lions hit the slopes!!
Kingaroy Senior Major Trip saw our Year 12 boys head south into the snowy mountains of Jindabyne, Canberra. Five boys from Kingaroy and four boys from Murgon flew south and spent a few days hitting the slopes. The boys were put through a small lesson before being given the opportunity to test their skills. Two full days of skiing had the boys buggered and ready for some downtime. On the way back to Canberra, the boys were given an inside tour of our local partner Snowy Hydro. Once in Canberra, the boys were lucky enough to join in with Queanbeyan Academy for a morning training supported by PCYC, local police and Canberra Raiders players. The boys got to experience the Parliament House, War Memorial, Shopping and Power Karts. It was a jam packed trip and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The boys were rewarded for all their efforts over the past few years and now have an experience they’ll never forget. Michael and Harry are very proud of the boys and look forward to seeing them become good young men.
Harry Stirling
Clontarf Operations Officer

Home Economics & Hospitality News
This week the Year 11 Certificate II in Hospitality students spent time at Utopia Café to learn all about espresso coffees, how to maintain an espresso machine and how to make the variety of non-alcoholic beverages available in cafes. As part of this they observed and learnt how to make Utopia’s Coffee of the month, a Lamington Coffee. Thank you Daniel and Mary for allowing the students to visit.
Also this week, the Year 11 Hospitality Practices class ran a take away salad venture for staff as part of their current assessment. Students worked in groups to prepare Italian Pasta Salad, Mexican Chicken and Avocado Salad and Chicken Caesar Salad. Thank you to the staff who supported the students in their first Hospitality venture.

Science & Agriculture News
This week our Show Team camped out at Nanango for Hoof and Hook. Over the three days students paraded, handled, groomed and judged the animals based on a select criteria. The competotion was tough this year bit of course our fantastic show team still took out a number of awards, some of which included:
Year 7/8 Experienced Winner Lucy Needer,
Runner Up Darcy Graham
Year 9 Experienced Runner Up Harry Campbell
Year 10 Experienced Winner Indy Eriksen
Runner Up Lilly Wingfield
Year 11 Experienced Winner Amity Campbell
Reserve Champion Parader Indy Eriksen
Year 9 Intermediate 3rd place Liam Cullen, 4th Place Bobby Hodson
These results were just for Day 1! A huge thank you to Mr Francis and Mr Webster for taking the students and supporting them. Your work is very much appreciated!

Year 6 to 7 Transition News
This term has seen many transition activities to help integrate our future Year 7s into our high school. We've had Year Level Coordinators go out to primary schools to talk about what to expect as well as our very own current Year 7 students returning to their old primary school to share their experiences at high school. Transition evening almost completely filled out KPAC with eager parents and students alike keen to get a glimpse of what to expect next year, as well as guided tours through our school. The Year 7s worked hard on a transition video showcasing what a day in the life of a KSHS student may look like, as well as helping with scavanger hunts for the Year 6 students to get used to navigating our large school. A huge thank you to Mrs Gray, Miss Kulich and Miss Shearer for helping with the transition process this term. It's been a huge job!
Upcoming Transition Events Include:
- Small Schools Transition Day: Thursday 20th October
- Masterclass program: Week 6 and 7 Term 4
Small Schools Transition Day - This is a transition activity for year 6 students from Kumbia, Coolabunia, Wooroolin, Crawford and Tingoora State Schools.
Masterclass Program – This is a transition activity for year 6 students from Kingaroy, Taabinga, Kumbia, Coolabunia, Wooroolin, Crawford and Tingoora State Schools.
Keep an eye on the Facebook page and future newsletters for flyers containing more information.
English News
Congratulations to all our Kingaroy State High School Year 11 students who participated in the Creative Writing Excellence Program with USC's Dr Maria Arena. What a great opportunity for some of these students to have their work published in an Anthology series! Incredible work and incredible talent! A very special thank you to Mr Paul Hutton who has ensured this incredible opportunity is available to our students here at Kingaroy State High School every year. And of course to Dr Maria Arena for providing the students with such enriching education, advice, feedback and guidance. It's certainly an opportunity they won't forget. Read some of their short stories in the attachment below!

P&C News
The P&C are looking to fill a vacant position at the tuckshop commencing next term; please see details below.
Also find attached the Term 4 Tuckshop menu.
Have a fantastic school break and we hope to see you at the next P&C meeting on Otober 23 at 6pm
Community Notices
CTC Safer Communities Upcoming Event:
Free Mental Health Workshop and Self Care Session for Teens
CTC's Safer Communities Program and South Burnett Regional Council, in collaboration with MindSkills North, are offering local teens the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of mental health issues these school holidays. The group session will explore some of the causes and nature of mental health conditions, how students can support each other, and when and how to seek assistance. A pizza lunch will be provided to all participants followed by the choice of a candle making class or go-karting session. Date: Monday, September 19. Workshop time: 11am – 2pm followed by a two-hour candle making class or go-karting session in Nanango. Venue: CTC Youth and Family Services Training Room -Lot 2 Somerset Street Kingaroy - beside Kingaroy Skate Park. To book call 4162 7788 or email courtneyl@sbctc.com.au.
Kingaroy Swimming Club:
Kingaroy Swimming Club are preparing for their 2022 – 2023 Season, starting early October.
2023 Traineeship and Apprenticeship Positions

BCF is hiring seasonal casuals apply through this link https://www.bcf.com.au/careers or pop in store with your resume.
Next Wednesday we will be having our final Elevate webinar of the Term focussing on Memory. Register below
Have a go at our school themed Vocabulary activity! Try and guess before checking your answers!