Term 4 | Week 4 | Issue 2
Principal's Report
There have been so many highlights over the last few weeks at KSHS.
I am so proud to announce that the school captains for 2023 are:
Junior School Leaders for 2023:
• Captains:
- Ryan Mollenhauer
- Hana Saito
• Vice Captains:
- Charlie Lytton-Hitchins
- Michael Kemp
- Matti van Schyndel
- Sophie Vogelaar
School Captains for 2023 are:
• Captains:
- Karl Macasaet and Jamaica Evangelista
• Vice Captains:
- John Wicks and Charlotte Landherr

Other Highlights:
• Our 65th annual Speech Night and Sports Awards Night – a great celebration of excellence
• KSHS signing up for the M in STEM Project in order to improve our Mathematics results
• Transition activities for Year 6 into Year 7 2023
• New signs at the entrances of the school are now live and showcasing the school to the community
• BYOD project – A new device is being made available to students in 2023- more information below
• The Library Refurb Project – with $200 000 being spent on upgrading the library
We are so proud of our students and their wonderful achievements. What opportunities students have at Kingaroy State High School!
Respect -
World Teachers Day:

Our teachers make a difference every day, educating and inspiring young people.
World Teachers' Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and thank Queensland teachers for their important role in our communities and for the positive impact they have on the lives of students.
This year we say thank you to our teachers for ‘teaching through every moment’. We acknowledge and show appreciation for the many ways teachers provide support and inspiration to our students.
Let’s join together to thank all Kingaroy SHS teachers on World Teachers’ Day, Friday 28 October 2022.

Responsibility –
Feedback from Staff, Parents and Students
Every Queensland state school is reviewed by the Education Improvement Branch (EIB) at least once every four years. The reviews play an important part in how the department supports school improvement. They provide schools with independent feedback, tailored to their context and needs. Principals use the review findings to work with their school community and Assistant Regional Director (or principal supervisor) to develop clear actions to move the school forward.
Review Process: Reviews are conducted by experienced educators trained in the use of the National School Improvement Tool, a nationallyrecognised framework for reviewing teaching and learning practices.
Review teams generally consist of two to four reviewers, but the number of reviewers and length of each review depends upon a range of factors, including the size and context of the school. Reviewers look closely at each school’s performance data and speak with a wide range of staff, students, parents and community members to get an accurate picture of the school. Unlike many other review systems, schools aren’t ranked or given a performance rating. Instead, the school is given a comprehensive report for consideration.
The report details key findings and recommended improvement strategies to maximise student outcomes. Principals are encouraged to share this information with their staff and school community to help shape the school’s strategic direction.
The following are the findings of the School and Regional Review Team of Kingaroy SHS:

One To One Device initiative for 2023:
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are an important part of contemporary schooling. The Australian Curriculum includes ICTs as a general capability across all learning areas, as well as Digital Technologies as a specific learning area.
The wind down and removal of government support for computers in schools has brought about many challenges. We have continued to work through these challenges to offer the best possible value and learning experience for our parents and students. We have trialled a 'Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)' program during 2020, 2021 and 2022 but this has proven unreliable for our community.
So we can assist in ensuring students have access to a dedicated electronic device to enhance their learning experiences both at home and at school we have chosen to implement an affordable One to One Device Program – put simply this program is striving for one device available for every one student. In 2023, students across all year levels will have the option to take part in either the BYOD program or the new One to One Device Program.

On Thursday 3rd of November at 6pm we are holding a One To One Device Program Parent Information Night in KPAC where further information about the above will be offered, the device can be viewed, questions can be asked / answered and students who have been using the device can share their experiences regarding the device on offer. We encourage you to come along and hear this information and how these programs can enhance your student's learning experiences.
If you have any questions relating to the above, please do not hesitate to contact the school to discuss.
Resilience -
Introduction of Parent TV
As part of the focus on resilience via activating partners, students and staff wellbeing and inclusion KSHS have newsletters feature information to parents. This week…a word from a teen about parenting.
Happy learning,
David Thomson
Year 9 News
Congratulations to Belle for winning the Sport for Thought bursary from USC! The criteria for Belle winning the University of Sunshine Coast, Sport for Thought bursary of $100 was:
- Excellent participation in activities at USC when students visited the campus
- Completion of the Sport for Thought booklet to a high standard and
- Good sportsmanship at school
Also a huge congratulations to the following students for being the top 5 attendees for the year to date for Year 9:
- Ebony Ruhle
- Mason Hughes
- Georgia Kapernick
- Angel Caldona
- Justine Evangelista

Year 12 News
In preparation for our final Year 12 assembly we would like to have a first day of high school/school photo for your graduating student.
A number of students have already provided this, if this is the case we don’t need another one, however, if you have not sent one through could you email it the below email clearly identifying who the student is:
Thank you for your support with this.
Key Dates:
Formal: November 11
Graduation: November 18
It was an emotional assembly last week, being our final whole school assembly for the year. We started with the announcement of the Noorook cover competition winner, the awards given by our very own Joe Meikle, dressed rather peculiarly. Moving onto Men's Choir representatives presenting Mr Jones with a framed (and likely unwashed) shirt from this year's FLAIR. The choir sang a song about memories, our School Captains gave their final address and final goodbyes and finally our Year 12s stood for the school song, arm in arm and misty eyed, and walked out of assembly for the very last time. We wish our Year 12s all the best as they go into external exams! Your teachers, peers, friends and family couldn't be more proud of you!

Last week our Year 12s walked out (rather loudly) of the school as a unit for the last time. They attended their final Form class, sat in their final Ancient History lesson, final Chemistry lesson, final English lesson, sat in their lunch groups for the last time and took one final lap of the school together, for the last very time. We're wishing our Kingaroy State High School Year 12s the very best in their exams over the next few weeks. Study hard but don't forget to eat healthy, sleep well and take breaks to do things you enjoy to give those spectacular brains of yours some rest. All the best Year 12s; it's been a pleasure.

This year, we are excited to announce our staff will again be taking part in Movember! From November 1st, our Mo Brothers will begin clean shaven to grow a moustache to raise awareness for men's mental and physical health, and our Mo Sisters will strive to move 60km for the 60 men who lose their lives to suicide each hour across the globe. We urge you to donate, with all money going to the Movember Foundation which supports mens' mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for weekly updates on how our Mo's are growing and share to raise awareness for an incredible cause.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) lessons are taught each week in lifeskills, where Form teachers go through appropriate school behaviours. This week, Miss Pyke created a lesson based around treating everyone with respect – where she created a sample rap. 9C then created their own raps. Check them out below!
Interact Club
This week the Kingaroy State High School Interact Club raised the money to buy and donate defibrillators to the Yaraman RSL sub branch. What a fantastic effort from our students giving back to our wonderful community.

Speech Night
What an incredible night! Last week we held our annual Speech Night, with guest speaker (and past student!) Dr Emma Leu-Marshall. It was so outstanding to see so many award recipients walking across the stage. What great, gifted and talented students we have here at Kingaroy State High School! A special thank you Sunshine Mitre 10 for providing us with gorgeous greens and florals to decorate our stage with and also to all our special guests, parents, family, friends and guardians who came to show our fantastic students support!
Our 2023 School Captains were also announced. A huge congratulations to:
Junior School Leaders for 2023 are:
Ryan Mollenhauer
Hana Saito
Vice Captains:
Charlie Lytton-Hitchins
Michael Kemp
Matti van Schyndel
Sophie Vogelaar
School Captains for 2023 are:
Karl Macasaet & Jamaica Evangelista
Vice Captains:
John Wicks
Charlotte Landherr
Committee Chairs:
Community Chairperson - Pyper Connelly
Cultural Chairperson - Miriam Roselio
Media Chairperson - Stacey Reeve
Social Chairperson - Emily Campbell-Slatter
Sport & Recreation Chairperson - Fletch Prendergast
Welfare Chairperson - Jessica Town
Check out the photos on Facebook!
Transition News
Last week, we were visited by Year 6 students from Kumbia State School, Coolabunia State School, Wooroolin State School, Crawford State School and Tingoora State School. Students were split into two groups and experienced a high school Science and Japanese class and also team building activities. They got to line up at the tuckshop and eat lunch like big kids in Keith Middleton Court.A huge thank you to the P&C for arranging complimentary lunches for the students, to Mr Langton and Mrs Vogelaar for organising such spectacular classes and to Miss Kulich and Miss Shearer for organising and guiding the students through such an exciting day!We look forward to seeing everyone in Year 7 at Kingaroy State High School next year!

Sports Night
A huge congratulations to all our fantastic athletes who won awards last week at our annual Sports Night! What incredible sporting opportunities students have here at Kingaroy State High School. A huge thank you goes to Mrs Krysty Connelly for making these opportunities and this night possible; your hard work and dedication is appreciated by all. Thank you to all the staff who take the time to coach and train the students so they can reach their potential and beyond, and to the parents, friends, and caregivers who are at each and every sporting event armed with snacks, water, hugs and endless support; you are so appreciated by our great athletes.
Another huge congratulations to our 2023 House Captains:
Bradfied - Carey Manttan and Josh Freeman
Lavarack – Lachlan Ponder and Aleerah Muller
Palmer – Kirra Glenwright and Lily Fitz-Herbert
Youngman – Faith Ramsay and Alyssa Reynolds
And to The Bass Blue Memorial Sportsperson of the Year, Abbey Kapernick.
We are proud of each and every one of you. Congratulations!
Check out our Facebook page for photos!
Community Engagement
This week we were visited here at Kingaroy State High School by the incredible Brian Kerle Basketball "Bounce Back" program led by dual Olympian and four-time NBL championship coach Brian Kerle. The Bounce Back program offers more than just basketball, it helps students gain team building skills and trust as well as offers support for individuals and family and culturally appropriate services. The Bounce Back initiative aims to motivate and inspire people to share the love of basketball through strong community engagement and networks. They deliver exciting and robust basketball clinics that offer extracurricular and culturally appropriate services and programs that have the potential to create better lifestyle choices through healthy exercise, mentoring, education and employment opportunities.

A huge thank you to Bunnings Kingaroy for working with our students to create beautiful bird houses. The students painted their own designs for the bird houses and then worked with Bunnings to nail it all together. What a great way to bond, show community spirit, tap into their artistic side and learn some new skills!

Community Notices