Term 4 | Week 6 | Issue 3
From the Principal
So many great things happening at the school. Highlights include:
- Year 12 external exams continue. Exams this last fortnight include Biology, Digital Solutions, Health, General and Specialist Maths and Psychology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Country Cup netball – a huge success
- Year 12 Formal
- Clontarf Annual Awards Evening
- Transition activities and enrollment interviews for new students in 2023
The men of KSHS have banded together to raise awarness for Men's mental health this month in a movement coined 'Movember'.
Movember Team Before Photos

We are so proud of our students and their wonderful achievements. What opportunities students have at Kingaroy State High School!
Responsibility – 2023 initiatives
New Strategic Plan for the school 2023-2026
The school is developing its new 4-year strategic plan with a key focus on:
Educational Achievement: with a clear focus on building links between curriculum intent and pedagogy practices to effectively engage all learners.
Wellbeing and Engagement: with a clear focus to develop and implement policies and procedures to enhance staff and student wellbeing.
Culture and Inclusion: with a focus to support and enact differentiated learning experiences for the range of classroom learners
Keep an eye on our new revamped website for more details:
New Deputy Principal Roles for 2023
The roles of Deputy Principal will be changing next year to help drive our new strategic agenda.
The school will be transitioning from six Deputy Principals to five during 2023 with the following roles:
- Operations and Human Resources: Trent Cluff.
This role will focus on all HR/staffing, timetabling for all 1,200 students and 100 teachers and help drive our facilities renewal over the next four years. This Deputy will line mange Year 8 students - Educational Achievement – Senior Secondary: Mark Freeman.
This role will focus of the educational achievement of Year 10-12 students in the senior phase of high school learning. This Deputy will line mange year 11 and 12 students. This role will be supported by an additional Deputy – Mr Lloyd Fairbairn for 6 months – this role will focus on Year 10 students. - Educational Achievement – Junior Secondary: Helen Maudsley.
This role will focus of the educational achievement of students by leading our focus on aligning curriculum and pedagogy – with particular reference to the Australian Curriculum and lead our transition programs. This Deputy will line mange Year 7 students. - Wellbeing and Engagement: TBA.
This role will focus on engaging students and supporting staff by maximising a school that is committed to a Positive Behaviour for Learning. This Deputy will line manage Year 9 students - Culture and Inclusion: Helen Beresford.
This role will focus on leading differentiated practice to support an inclusion philosophy at KSHS. The role will support all diverse learners at the school
New Head of Department Roles for 2023
To support the work done by the Deputy Principals the following Head of Department roles will help drive our strategic agenda of Equity and Excellence in 2023 and beyond a HODs role and responsibility at the school is to:
- Build the capability of all staff to make connections between curriculum intent and pedagogical practices to effectively engage all learners.
- Build the capability of self and teachers to fully understand and apply the CARF guidelines for V9 of the Australian Curriculum developing a consistent approach to curriculum across the school in determining achievement levels.
- Engage in instructional leadership development, supporting and enabling school-wide systematic curriculum delivery.
- Provide professional learning opportunities to develop the capability of teaching staff to support and enact differentiated learning experiences for the range of classroom learners
- Collaboratively develop and implement policies and procedures to enhance staff and student wellbeing.
- HOD Mathematics – Sarah Rush
- HOD English and LOTE – Paul Hutton
- HOD Humanities and Business – Don Mengel
- HOD Science and Agriculture - Steven Langton
- HOD HPE – TBA for 2023
- HOD Design and Digital Technologies – Andrew Maddern
- HOD Food and Textile Technology (0.5) – Jenny Underwood
- HOD Arts and Year 9 Student Engagement – TBA
- HOD Teaching and Learning and Year 9 Student engagement – Robyn Ferling
- HOD Student Engagement – Year 8 – Carmel McKeering
- HOD Student Engagement – Year 7 – Jade Cluff
- HOD Differentiation – Cath Glenny
- HOD Senior Schooling – Leanne Krosch
Change of Day Times for 2023 Timetable
As previously communicated - the day structure is changing in 2023 due to QTU ballot and community consultation and endorsement by the local consultative committee that was conducted in Term 3. See below for details
The alternative day structure will be as below and will being in 2023:

One To One Device Initiative for 2023
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are an important part of contemporary schooling. The Australian Curriculum includes ICTs as a general capability across all learning areas, as well as Digital Technologies as a specific learning area.
The wind down and removal of government support for computers in schools has brought about many challenges. We have continued to work through these challenges to offer the best possible value and learning experience for our parents and students. We have trialled a 'bring your own device' (BYOD) program during 2020, 2021 and 2022 but this has proven unreliable for our community.
KSHS can assist in ensuring students have access to a dedicated electronic device to enhance their learning experiences both at home and at school we have chosen to implement an affordable one to one device program. Put simply this program is striving for one device available for every one student. In 2023 students across all year levels will have the option to take part in either the BYOD program or the new One to One Device Program.

If you have any questions relating to the above, please do not hesitate to contact the school to discuss.
Electronic cigarettes/VAPES
Electronic cigarettes are also known as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, vape pens or personal vapourisers. They heat liquid, which usually contains nicotine, into a fine vapour for inhalation into the lungs.
Products vary widely in design and operation, but typically consist of a battery, heating element, and a cartridge or refillable tank containing substances such as propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, nicotine and flavourings.
Read the safety concerns about electronic cigarettes.
Electronic cigarettes are smoking products
Under the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 (the Act), electronic cigarettes (regardless of whether they contain nicotine or not) and related products are smoking products and subject to the Queensland smoking laws.
This includes that electronic cigarettes cannot be:
- Used on school grounds
- used in no-smoking indoor and outdoor places
- sold to children under 18 years of age
- advertised, promoted or displayed at retail outlets
- provided for sale in a vending machine.
More information about the restrictions and penalties for use
Electronic cigarettes and electronic cigarette products containing nicotine
In Queensland, electronic cigarettes and electronic cigarette products containing nicotine are illegal unless on prescription and supplied from a pharmacist or through Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) processes.
Please note that currently no electronic cigarette products containing nicotine have been approved as a therapeutic good by the TGA for sale in Australia. These products are considered ‘unapproved medicines’ and have not been assessed by the TGA for safety, quality and efficacy.
In Queensland, nicotine is regulated by the Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 and supporting regulations (Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021 and Medicines and Poisons (Poisons and Prohibited Substances Regulation 2021). Nicotine is regulated on the basis that it is classified as a 'Dangerous Poison' under Schedule 7 of the federal ‘Poisons Standard’, except when included in Schedule 4 for human use.
The TGA website provides more information for:
- people seeking to access unapproved electronic cigarette products containing nicotine for human use
- prescribers
- pharmacists and
- sponsors, wholesalers and manufacturers.
To report illegal sale or possession of electronic cigarettes or electronic cigarette products containing nicotine, call 13 QGOV (13 74 68).
Happy learning
David Thomson.
Year 12 News
Tonight we will be holding the Year 12 Formal, and for the first time ever it will be live streamed trhough teh school's Facebook page.
This year's formal is a closed event. Parents and community members will not be able to enter the hall but can view the arrivals from the Town Hall forecourt. Arrivals will commence at approximately 5:30pm. If you can’t make it to the forecourt, the formal will be live streamed from 5pm on the school Facebook page.
This will allow families and friends, who cannot attend in person, to view the arrivals and send messages to their loved ones via the live stream. Once the live stream ceases, it will be available to view in whole on the school Facebook page to watch your favourite moments again.
Formal photos will be published on the school Facebook page and to the digital signs next week.
Graduation will be held next Friday Novemeber 18, with doors opening from 8:30am at KPAC. Parents and caregivers are invited to attend this ceremony. Students are to be dressed in school uniform.
Year 9 News
Parents and Carers of Year 9 students,
Our Year 9s will be applying online for a Unique Student Identifier (USI) in the next couple of weeks during our Wednesday Form class. This number will be their individual education number for life and will enable them to access their online record of Australian training achievements.
Students will need one form of ID to apply for their USI. This can be either their Medicare card, Birth Certificate or Passport.
It is most important that the information/number is accurately entered on the application or the application will not be accepted. To ensure this happens, students may choose to take a photocopy or email a photo of the document to their school email. We don’t encourage students to bring in original documents.
Any further questions can be emailed to Mrs Kempson: mkemp27@eq.edu.au
Year 7 News
The Year 7 immunisation date for the 2nd round is Wednesday November 30
Ms Sprake and Mrs Atherton recently attended robotics training at the University of the Sunshine Coast . We’re very excited to be introducing robotics as part of our Kingaroy State High School Year 7 Digital Technologies curriculum in 2023. Watch this space!

So far our incredible Movember team has raised $1290 out of our $2000 goal for the month! Don't forget to go check out the team's page and share and/or donate what you can. Even the smallest amount makes a huge difference to men's health.
So far our top fundraisers are:
Sean Wicks: $400
Brooke Rankin: $210
Krysty Connelly: $150
A huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far and to our amazing team for their fundraising. Let's keep it up for the rest of the month!
One to One Device
One to One payment options are now available for payment on Qkr and at the school office.
Catering | Hospitality | Home Ec News
Over the weekend, we had a group of Kingaroy State High School students assist with catering at the RACQ Life Flight Gala Dinner at the Kingaroy Town Hall. These students worked under caterer, Roberta Schablon The Saucy Fork Functions : Cooking Classes : Catering and her husband Craig who was the lead waiter. The students were fantastic ambassadors for the school. It's so satisfying to see our students giving their time to their community. The students were Wyatt Johnson, Mercedes Mi Mi, Karl Macasaet, Megan Underwood and Dameon Mugridge. Fantastic work team!

Clontarf Awards Night
Last night we had our annual Clontarf Awards Night. It was so fantastic to see the boys earn some incredible achievements and see what they've been up to over the year. Congratulations boys and a huge thank you to the families, friends, guardians and partners for their support and guidance.

Breakfast Club - Lions
This week we had the incredible Kingaroy Lions Club come on down and see their donated toaster in action at Breakfast Club. Earlier on in the year, our local Lions Club donated this industrial toaster to the school which has been used at our morning Breakfast Club to help ensure our students are well fed before they start their day. A huge thank you to Julie and Mal for coming down and supporting the school! What a difference some toast and a milo can make to someone's day!

Community Notices